Posted in: Anything !
I found this on the web............ Pizza Express is celebrating its 60th birthday this month, and they're inviting you to join in on the celebrations with super cheap pizza! What you need to know: They'll be rolling back the price of selected pizzas to their 1965 prices The offer will apply for one hour between 5pm and 6pm on 27th March You'll need to book to guarantee the offer – and we think it'll be a popular one! You can get any of the following Classic pizzas (including gluten-free or vegan alternatives) at their respective prices: 33p Margherita 48p La Reine 45p American 50p American Hot You can upgrade to Romana pizza bases for an extra £1.95 We'll see you there! -
Posted in: Anything !
Posted in: I.T. Non-Techie help, information and tips
I'd like to create a basic web page for Valentines day - something with a couple of videos, a few animated GIFS, some graphics, a coloured background and so on. I know enough HTML, javascript and so on to be able to create the page, but I need somewhere to host it for a few weeks. The idea is to create a QR code of the site URL, print it out and stick it inside the Valentines card. Do any of you know of somewhere that can host the site for free? I don't need to have a custom domain name - something like h t t p://the hosting company/some name of mine/Valentine.htm would be fine (I had to add some extra spaces in the address to stop Scooploop turning it into a clickable link) All the sites I've seen want me to enter into contracts of a year or more. -
Posted in: I.T. Non-Techie help, information and tips
My desktop computer isn't compatible with Windows 11 but when I boot it up I keep getting pop up messages telling me to upgrade to Windows 11. The only two buttons are "Tell me more" and "Remind me later". What I need is a button saying "I know, b****r off and stop asking me". Is there any way to stop these messages appearing? -
Posted in: Anything !
The other day I was thinking about the TV shows I used to watch as a kid and Deputy Dawg was a cartoon that I haven't seen for years. So I watched a few episodes on YouTube and it struck me how similar they are to American politics. Deputy Dawg - An overweight person with low intelligence and an inflated sense of his own importance who thinks he's in charge - Donald Trump Muskie Muskrat - Elon Musk Vince Van Gopher - JD Vance Ty Coon - All of the rich supporters. The favourite past time of the last three is catfishing. -
Posted in: Anything !
I've just spent several days without a proper water supply because a valve jammed at the Cheam water treatment plant. It was either very low pressure of totally dried up. They supplied bottled water so I could at least get a cuppa and I used rainwater from the garden to flush the loo, but I couldn't have a shower for four days. This morning I received four separate letters from SES Water, two of which had identical contents. It just adds insult to injury that they're wasting money on postage when the infrastructure is failing. They'll be the first against the wall when the revolution comes. -
Posted in: Anything !
Posted in: Anything !
Posted in: Anything !
Posted in: Anything !
Posted in: Anything !
Did you know that Aloe Vera plants can have flowers? I didn’t until recently. I was given one aloe vera plant by a friend who was moving house. It hadn’t been watered for months and was almost dead. I kept it watered and stood it on my kitchen window ledge which is sunny as it faces south. Since then it’s grown and divided into two massive plants with loads of smaller offshoots. A few weeks ago the two biggest plants started to sent up flower stems. -
Posted in: Anything !
My dad lives a few hundred metres outside the ULEZ zone. He needs to know where the boundary of the zone is so that he can avoid accidentally driving into it - He's 91 and can't afford to pay fines for accidentally entering the zone. He has a Samsung tablet but doesn't know how to access online maps of the ULEZ zone. I've tried showing him but he doesn't really get it. He'd like an old fashioned printed map which shows the boundaries of the ULEZ zone but I can't find one in any of the book shops or online. Do any of you know where I can get such a map? if all else fails I can buy a map of London and draw a line to mark the edge of the ULEZ zone but that would be quite time consuming. -
Posted in: Anything !
A question for all the good cooks on Scooploop. I have guests coming for dinner on Wednesday and I'm planning to serve roast leg of lamb will all the trimmings. The problem is how long to cook it. I have a 3.116kg leg of lamb and the label says 8 minutes per 100g at 170 degrees, which adds up to 249 minutes or over four hours, which seems a lot. I've looked up various websites to see how long it needs to be in the oven and the suggested times include 158 minutes, 186 minutes, 124 minutes, 140 minutes and 207 minutes, with temperatures varying from 170 degrees to 200 degrees. I like lamb well done rather than pink. So if you cook leg of lamb on a regular basis how long would you cook it for and at what temperature for it to be well done? I have a fan oven. -
Posted in: Anything !
Hi In a couple of weeks (Sunday 12th May) I'll be taking part in the Marsden March - A fifteen mile sponsored walk from near the Marsden Hospital in Chelsea to the other Marsden Hospital in Sutton, passing through Putney, Wimbledon Common, Raynes Park, Stonecot Hill, North Cheam, Cheam and Belmont. The aim is to raise money for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity - The Marsden's target this year is to raise one and a half million pounds with around 5000 walkers. Some of you have already donated to my Marsden fund (thank you for that). If anybody else would like to contribute my fundraising page can be found at: https://march.royalmarsden.org/fundraisers/tonylang/marsden-march I've lost a lot of friends and family to various forms of cancer and the Marsden cured the cancer of a good friend, so I'd like to raise as much money as I can. The website of the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity gives more detail about the March at: https://www.royalmarsden.org/support-us/banham-marsden-march Every donation helps to make a difference, so please support me however you can. I'll be starting at around 9am and I'm aiming for a time of four and a half hours or better, which I think is a reasonable time as I'm 63. I have a tracking app on my phone and I'll post the results and some photos later. Thanks in advance. Cheers. Tony
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