New part of the immune system discovered
This looks like some good news: a part of the body known to recycle proteins has a secret mode that can spew out an arsenal of bacteria-killing chemicals.
An open Group where anything can be discussed by anybody, as long as you are polite, respect others opinions, and behave !!!
Open Loop 859
New part of the immune system discovered
This looks like some good news: a part of the body known to recycle proteins has a secret mode that can spew out an arsenal of bacteria-killing chemicals.
When the comedian met the reality show guy
Repost because i chose the wrong loop earlier. It's satire, don't take too seriously.
Comfort To The Enemy (Edited)
Trump wants Zelenskyy to agree to a ceasefire with no security guarantees and to “trust” Putin to honor his word. Zelenskyy knows Putin can’t be trusted, because Putin proved it with his 2014 invasion of Crimea and his 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and at all points in between when he murdered critics and disappeared rivals. When Zelenskyy tried to explain this basic history to Trump andVance, they accused him of “being disrespectful” and “trying to relitigate” the morals of the war for the cameras—cameras Trump arranged.
Putin has made his imperial ambitions clear. He is trying to rebuild the Soviet Empire, which includes not only Ukraine but Belarus, and possibly Poland. Any child can understand that a ceasefire with no U.S. security guarantees will give Putin time to replenish his military and attack again, which means a bad deal for Ukraine would be more deadly than no deal.
Instead of discussing these facts in good faith, Trump and Vance tag teamed each other for the cameras, hurling outrageous insults at Zelenskyy based on deliberate disinformation.
Before Friday’s meeting, world leaders were aghast that Trump called Zelenskyy—rather than Putin— a “dictator” and accused Kyiv of starting the war.
During Friday’s meeting when Zelenskyy urged him not to trust Vladimir Putin, Trump flew into a rage.
“You don’t know that. Don’t tell us what we’re going to feel. You’re in no position to dictate that.”
The entire world can see that the main reason Kyiv now has a weak negotiating hand is because of Trump’s dangerous loyalty to Putin.
Meanwhile, leaders of the free world recoil in horror from an America that turned overnight from a beacon of liberty to a mouthpiece for Nazis and the KGB. Ukraine has already lost 100,000 people to Putin’s butchery.
Now they will lose more, because the President of the United States is giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
April impact on carer companies
This worries me, hospital beds are already full with discharge package of care not being able to be put in place due to lack of carers.
Shifty Shift... (Edited)
US President Donald Trump has decided to give a one-month tariff exemption on vehicles coming into the United States through a trade agreement between the US, Mexico and Canada, the White House spokesperson said Wednesday, a decision meant to support US automakers.
Karoline Leavitt, the spokesperson, made the announcement, after Trump held a call with the leaders of the big three automakers -- General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis.
[ Is it possible Trump needed reminding Ford and GM each donated $1 million and contributed vehicles to Trump's inauguration and Automaker Stellantis NV contributed $1 million to President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration too? ]
Give the man credit, he openly approves of business "facilated by financial inducements".
Putin is a former Soviet spy who spent 16 years in the KGB, where he learned how to manipulate people by playing on their egos, greed and fears. After the end of the Cold War, Putin was named head of the FSB, Russia’s post-KGB intelligence agency. In 1999, Putin was named Prime Minister, becoming president when former President Yeltsin unexpectedly resigned. Putin has ruled Russia ever since.
At the heart of Putin’s rule are two forces: corruption and violence.
As Russia’s new leader, Putin, who is now believed to be one of the wealthiest people on earth, consolidated power at home by reining in Russia’s powerful oligarchs. He offered them a simple deal: If they granted him absolute power and shared the spoils, he would let them steal as much as they wanted from the Russian people. The result: while the vast majority of the Russian population struggles economically, Putin and his fellow oligarchs stashed trillions of dollars in offshore tax havens. In the process, Putin crushed Russia’s brief movement toward democracy. He eliminated rivals, cracked down on freedom of speech, and strangled the free media. Political dissidents, investigative journalists, and opposition leaders started turning up dead.
Today, 26 years after he took power, Putin is the absolute ruler of Russia. Russian elections are blatantly fraudulent, with Putin’s lackeys barely hiding their ballot-stuffing. In the last sham election, Putin won 88 percent of the “vote” against carefully screened opposition candidates.
That is Putin’s Russia.
There is no freedom of speech.
Protests are violently suppressed. Tens of thousands of people are in imprisoned for speaking out against his rule.
The bravest and most prominent dissidents – people like Alexei Navalny, Boris Nemtsov and Sergei Magnitsky – are murdered outright.
And the billionaire oligarchs become even richer.
That is the leader Trump defends and admires.
More Americans apply to live in UK
He just can’t keep his mouth shut
More rubbish from Trump
I suppose his lies are ‘freedom of speech’
Sex offender caught in child’s bed
After conning his way into the family home
So he knows about war??
Richard Gere speaks out about Trump
From the safety of where he now lives in Spain
Does Trump know what he is doing?
This guy is an ignorant sub-human with the only real ability to clean out toilets.
Disabled man, in care, eating from a bin
Join the register
The Nobel Peace Prize award is no more than toilet paper.
To nominate Trump is as disgusting as nominating Hitler. Trump is an American disaster who will wreck America, Europe and the far East security and trade if he is not kicked out of office soon. He is a global menace.
“What we just witnessed in the Oval Office was a meeting between two cowardly puppets and a hero,”...
And the winner is?
Trump Health Warning (Edited)
President Donald Trump will have a routine physical exam Sean Barbabella, the president’s physician said in a White House statement.
The March 1 statement said that the exam will take place at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.
At 78, Trump is America’s oldest president, second only to former President Joe Biden.
A physical in 2018, the AFP reports, suggested Trump could lose 10 to 15 pounds, but he was otherwise in “excellent health.”
His doctor noted that there were no signs of cognitive decline and that he could “live to be 200 years old.”
I have a very heavy collection tomorrow, time stated for collection is 12 am - 11.59 pm.
Am I correct in thinking this is 12-midday to 12-midnight? I'm getting conflicted opinions, I've Googled and it seems they are confused too. If 12 am is early morning, it could be a 24-hour wait for collection. It's via Amazon but not Amazon so different set-up. Not looking forward to it one bit.
I like the comment “what first attracted you to the billionaire Elon Musk”
Leasehold system to be abolished
Unfortunately it will take time to sort out but I cannot understand how it’s even been able to continue for all this time.
How could anyone be suspicious of a convicted felon, and his relationship with a KGB officer?
As Musk gets US government contract
You don’t have to listen to all of this to get the basic details of what’s going on now
Fly tipping putting our council tax up every year (Edited)
A comment mentions that it’s now £160 per tonne to dump it legally. If there’s 20 tonne there that’s a ‘saving’ of £3,200 for the company dumping it
Are the councils shortsighted ?
Trump Signals He Might Ignore the Courts
“The United States is sleepwalking into a constitutional crisis.
Not only has the Trump administration seized for itself extraconstitutional powers, but yesterday, it raised the specter that, should the courts apply the text of the Constitution and negate its plans, it will simply ignore them.
Trump refuses to even try to pass his plans democratically.
And as courts have stepped in to halt his efforts to ignore the law, he is now threatening to ignore them too.”
What's new?
Trump has done this all his life, and the Supreme Court has endorsed Presidential Immunity.
Good news - he's set the smoke alarms off!
Gene Hackman and his wife found dead
Developing story 😢
Poor man , as bully attacks (Edited)