I.T. Non-Techie help, information and tips
No advertising please. For the non-techie among us who may need a helping hand at times.
Open Loop 109
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284 million email addresses/passwords hacked (Edited)
284 million hacked email addresses/passwords have been posted on line. To check if your email address is included, go to
To check if your password has been hacked go to
To be notified if your email is hacked in the future, click 'Notify me' at the top. -
Google's TV Streamer can now get iPlayer
Google's TV Streamer can now get the iPlayer app, and BBC1 & 2 have been added to the Channels tab.
Site status for new and current members.
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Fed up with Mr Musk's X - Bring back Larry (Edited)
If you use or view the old Twitter, and would rather see Larry (the blue bird) instead of X, then click below to install the extension* called Freebird X. It will reinstate Larry, 'New post' back to Tweet, Retweet and the old browser tab icon. You can add this to all Chromium browsers, so that does not include Firefox.
*An extension is a small program that you can add to a browser to get it to do additional functions. -
Information, tips and myths - No.51 - Ad-blocker uBlock Origin
Ad-blocker uBlock Origin no longer works on Chrome, but does on Firefox because it has no connection with Google. You can install the lite version of the extension in Chrome from here: -
Information, tips and myths - No.50 - Getting a new router?
You may be changing to EE from BT (nightmare!), changing provider or just getting a new router, if so, consider changing the password to something easier to enter. If you have many Internet connected devices, and the router has a very long or complicated password, you can avoid the labourious task of entering it, and perhaps being told it is incorrect and having to start again!
What you see on Scooploop depends on whether you are a member and which member you are. To see the hidden Scooploop, you need to use a browser that does not remember who you are. Doing so means that you cannot be blocked from seeing a member's posts. You can also see parts of Scooploop not visible to members, such as the new Business page shown below. The current Business page is here:
Please do not post and disappear.
Some members are asking for help and not replying to help given. They are also not posting how the problem was resolved.
Microsoft bought Skype in 2011 for $8.5 billion. -
How to install WhatsApp on a Windows or Apple Laptop or desktop
I f you are using version 24.8, you should upate to the latest version 25.2.1. To check which version you have, go to Help/about LibreOffice. -
Switching to EE from BT was a nightmare. If you have a landline number and want to keep it, check that the deal includes it.
Do you love your iPhone/Apple Mac?
If it wasn't for Bill Gates of Microsoft, these would never have existed. In 1997 Apple was on the verge of bankruptcy, when it was saved by an investment by Bill Gates.
Note that OneDrive and Google Drive are not backups, they are synchronisation programs. Backups are permanent records that cannot be altered.
Major shareholder gives up on Scooploop
If you haven't already done so, it would be wise to make alternative arrangements to stay in touch with members.
iPhone storage no longer private (Edited)
I haven't used my tablet for a while. I've forgotten my password - can anyone help me get in by avoiding pin or resetting in?
Thanks -
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Microsoft is offering extended yearly protection for which you must pay. -
Scooploop phone apps - more information
Scooploop apps have been withdrawn. If you try to reinstall the apps on your current phone or a new phone, you will see the images below. Therefore you should not remove your current app.
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Scooploop is aware of the problems. -
Start saving for your TV licence!
The Government is considering making TV licences compulsory, even if you do not watch the BBC or live TV.
Trying to find out how long I have had my laptop, I know it's a long time.
Google info is complicated, there must be an easier way - I hope.
Any ideas ? -
Information, tips and myths - No.49 - Google Drive full up?
If your Google Drive becomes full, you will be unable to send or receive emails, or store any more files. To overcome this, you can open another Google account to get another 15GB, or use other cloud storage, and move files to it to make space in your original account.
Area power cuts or no phone signal
If you have a phone connected to your router, if there is a power cut, it will no longer work unless you have a backup power supply. If the area affected by the power cut affects mobile phone towers, then you will also be unable to make a mobile phone call. The only way you can then communicate with the outside world is by a satellite phone. These are big and expensive. However, in the near future you will be able to use an ordinary mobile phone to make calls by satellite, where there is no phone mast in range. -
Where can I host a web page for free (Edited)
I'd like to create a basic web page for Valentines day - something with a couple of videos, a few animated GIFS, some graphics, a coloured background and so on.
I know enough HTML, javascript and so on to be able to create the page, but I need somewhere to host it for a few weeks.
The idea is to create a QR code of the site URL, print it out and stick it inside the Valentines card.
Do any of you know of somewhere that can host the site for free?
I don't need to have a custom domain name - something like
h t t p://the hosting company/some name of mine/Valentine.htm
would be fine
(I had to add some extra spaces in the address to stop Scooploop turning it into a clickable link)
All the sites I've seen want me to enter into contracts of a year or more. -
Win 11 being forced on to Win 10 machines
Some users are finding that Microsoft is upgrading Win 10 computers to Win 11 without their consent. The program below will prevent this with one click. -
Toshiba 32LF2F53DB TV - Give it a miss (Edited)
£139 from Curry's. The picture is poor, and the sound tinny.
@KristaLonsdale 'Friend with one- especially useful,she`s blind- it can`t even work out she`s moved; it gives her the weather in her old place 100 miles away.'
For Alexa to know your location, you have to enter it in Alexa's settings. -
Myth - Tik Tok is owed by, operated by the Chinese government (Edited)
Getting rid of Windows 10 end of support messages
My desktop computer isn't compatible with Windows 11 but when I boot it up I keep getting pop up messages telling me to upgrade to Windows 11. The only two buttons are "Tell me more" and "Remind me later". What I need is a button saying "I know, b****r off and stop asking me".
Is there any way to stop these messages appearing? -
BBC Click - Consumer Electronics Show - Part 1
Internal server errors - 17/1/25
Internal server errors are again appearing. Trying again will result in duplicate comments, just refresh the page.
BT scraps EV charging point scheme having only installed one -
I've gone through Trouble shooting, says there is a problem, then goes on to say Problem not fixed. I have no idea what to do now, any help, please?
Samsung android phone
I want to put a photo from my clipboard into my gallery
Tried everything Google says but nothing works or settings/options they mention just are not there. -
Trouble with startup settings on Edge, using a Windows 10 PC
The other day, I suddenly found that I can no longer open a series of new windows/tabs when I'm online using Edge and shut them individually by using the little x in their top RH corner. Also, my startup settings - automatically showing the home pages for my e-mail and one other account - no longer work. I must have hit some daft combination of keys....
I've checked the startup settings in Edge, which do correctly reflect my previous choices - but that's not now what actually happens when I open Edge.
I'm having to add a new window, or a new tab, while already using one window (usually my e-mail account) but I can't then close either of those additions by using the little x in its top RH corner - because doing that closes down every window and tab at once.
Can anyone tell me how to reset dratted Edge so that I can go back to working online normally, rather than having to rely on keyboard shortcuts to shut one window etc at a time, which I've never done before this week? -
Morrisons currently have a keyboard with a number keypad and a wireless mouse for £10.
Bitcoin crosses $100k - and seven other wild moments in its history
Don't forget the batteries for xmas presents! If they are AA or AAA etc., make sure you get the right ones:
I recently purchased a new laptop. Is the built in security on Windows sufficient or do I need to get McAfee or something similar?
Same question re iPhone 13. -
Several things are going wrong at the moment; hopefully this is because of the promised new website.
WhatsApp to stop working on some iPhones
In May next year, WhatsApp will stop working on the following iPhones:
iPhone 5s
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 Plus
Or any iPhone that cannot upgrade to iOS15.1 or later. -
Information, tips and myths - No.48 - VPN myth
Using a VPN does not hide your activity on the Internet from the Police, as they are able to obtain logs of all your activity.
Information, tips and myths - No.49 - Blocking myth
Due to a bug, a member blocking you, does not prevent you from seeing their posts, it only prevents you from seeing their comments. As soon as a member posts a comment on a post by a member that has blocked you, the post will become available in the 'Recent Activity' column. You cannot comment on the post.
Information, tips and myths - No.47 - Win 11 Calendar and Mail closing down
Microsoft is shutting down the built-in Mail and Calendar apps in Windows 11, which means you'll no longer be able to send or receive emails or manage your calendar using those apps after December 31, 2024