Posts from Brondesbury
Capel ManorCan someone help please. I did try Google but they do not translate Town Planner speak. I was reading the riveting Enfield Town Centre -Draft Fra...
EarlsfieldHaving lost Streetlife I was afraid I'd lost my 'computer guru' ! However I am glad to report that Shahid Rafiq is still around and he rescued me f...
Capel ManorJust found this, may be of interest to some. Details of a meeting held recently. 1. Despite the Hybrid Application being unanimously rejected by ...
ClaphamCould anybody recommend some good swimming lessons for 4/5 year olds in the sw4/11/12 area? Preferably at weekends. Thanks!
Trent ParkPicnic in the Dark - Jurassic Park (Edited)
Date: 01.09.2017. Time: 20:00
Location: Broomfield Park
Broomfield Bowl becomes the setting for one of the all time classics - Jurassic Park. Talkies annual picnic in the park in the dark on the last Fri... -
WhetstoneDelphiniums still repeat flowering in my garden! With about 8 stalks still waiting to burst into flower, breathtaking :-)
IsleworthI had a little issue setting up a business account, I contacted the ScoopLoop help desk and all sorted, couldn't have been more helpful ... very im...
NorbitonHello everybody! I'm hoping this site will prove a happy and successful one. I also joined Next Door and Kahuti but they seem a bit slow even thoug...