Anything !
An open Group where anything can be discussed by anybody, as long as you are polite, respect others opinions, and behave !!!
Open Loop 859
I have been trying on-line deliveries Asda and Sainsbury’s since Christmas for vol au vent cases without success. Neighbour also checked in Morrison.
Wondered if they available in your area?
If not available and you have time could you tackle manager/supervisor. Many enquiries from different areas might do the trick. Thank you
Fancy one right now filled with tuna/corn/mayo. -
1. In the 1400s a law was set forth in England that a man
was allowed to beat his wife with a stick no thicker than his
Hence we have the rule of thumb. '
2. Many years ago in Scotland, a new game was invented.
It was ruled' Gentlemen Only ...
Ladies Forbidden ' ... and thus the word GOLF entered into
the English language.
3. Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great
king from history:
Spades-King David,
Clubs -Alexander the Great,
Diamonds-Julius Caesar
4. In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed
frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the
mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on.
Hence the phrase .........' goodnight, sleep tight. '
5. It was the accepted practice in Babylon 4,000 years ago
that for a month after the wedding, the bride's father would
supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink.
Mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar
based, this period was called the honey month, which we
know today as the honeymoon.
6. Since 1966, England fans have said they are going to win
the cup at the start of every football competition, hence the
phrase" deluded twat -
I do think it's time she retired.
Her face is so plastic that I'm worried she is going to rip! There has been so much "treatment" and botox that she can't even speak properly.
A younger her was tolerable but she's not doing herself any favours. Perhaps if she wore long sleeves, visually there could be a modicum of improvement, but her arms this evening looked awful. I don't think I've ever looked at a person's arms before and thought "They are ugly!"
Having seen that, I would hate to see anything else of her exposed.
Is it just me or does anyone else agree she is past her Use By Date. -
Tik-Tok videos - how to fool a COVID test
In my opinion sorry but are they kidding... with two random children and not even got her face right?
This discussion is now closed.
Utter selfishness of people re Covid
I just had a conversation with my soon to be son in law. His sister and partner battled Covid last Xmas and were very unwell. Two weeks ago they went to a birthday celebration. It was a BBQ of 20 people. A few days after they had a phone call to say some of the guests had gone down with Covid. They got tested and once again had it, as do most of the 20 . How? Because one of the couples had tested positive before the BBQ and kept quiet about it to attend! Not only have they infected everyone but one family had to cancel their holiday with their kids as they are having to quarantine. Utter selfishness
Sudoku anyone? (Edited)
I've classed this one as Medium, so it should be ok for most people.
You can either print it, then fill it in and photograph it to send the answer, or just type the answers as a grid.
456789123 etc.
Hopefully you'll enjoy it. -
Paddy and Mick are two Irishmen working at the local sawmill.
One day, Mick slips and his arm gets caught and severed by the big bench saw. Paddy quickly puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick to the local hospital.
Next day, Paddy goes to the hospital and asks after Mick. The nurse says "Oh he's out in Rehab exercising".
Paddy couldn't believe it, but here's Mick out the back exercising his now re-attached arm.
The very next day he's back at work in the saw mill.
A couple of days go by, and then Mick slips and severs his leg on another bloody big saw thingamabob. So Paddy puts the limb in a plastic bag and rushes it and Mick off to hospital.
Next day he calls in to see him and asks the nurse how he is. The nurse replies "He's out in the Rehab again exercising". And sure enough, here's Mick out there doing some serious work on the treadmill.
And very soon Mick comes back to work.
But, as usual, within a couple of days he has another accident and severs his head. Wearily Paddy puts the head in a plastic bag and transports it and Mick to hospital.
Next day he goes in and asks the nurse how Mick is. The nurse breaks down and cries and says "He's dead".
Paddy is shocked, but not surprised. "I suppose the saw finally did him in". "No" says the nurse "Some dopey bastard put his head in a plastic bag and he suffocated". -
Heatwave in Canada and USA. On top they also have outage in electricity. People dying. Must be a terrifying situation.
Watched interview with American scientists: Corporations portray themselves as super green when the opposite is true. When scientists speak out they and their families are threatened.
What a world to live in now. I am glad some youngsters are speaking out but wondered do they live accordingly e.g. do not buy the latest gadgets? -
I’m not jumping the gun and saying we’re about to win EURO 2021
...just a laugh and one for Uncle Albert
Cryptics for an overcast day (Edited)
1 It grows up, as a bug in a P-O-W camp? (10) - Stalagmite (Audrey F)
2 Sounds good to hear but not as rhetoric (13) - Orchestration (Audrey F)
3 Coat pan ornately and find a couple? (6, 3, 9) - Antony and Cleopatra (Audrey F)
4 A recording place from which I too swiped sound (8, 7) - Pinewood Studios (Boots)
5 Does Superman live in South Africa? (8) - Cape Town (Audrey F)
6 To do with extremely large space (12) - Astronomical (Audrey F)
7 A coward in the street or something fit for Queen? (10, 7) - Coronation Chicken (Audrey F)
8 Pain relief when aces align (9) - Analgesic (Terry S)
9 I tap italics on a computer to highlight letters (14) - Capitalisation (Audrey F)
10 It is to Persona as the Holy Ghost is to Brazil (8, 5) - Espirito Santo (Audrey F)
11 I, or admirer carve a farewell message (11, 4) - Arrividerci Roma (Audrey F)
12 A bounder can make oak groan (8) - Kangaroo (Audrey F)
13 It isn’t for your breakfast cereal but is still heated (9, 4) - Condensed Milk (Audrey F)
14 ZSL? Better to hide pawns! (9) - Whipsnade (Boots)
15 Shall we turn it into something accommodating? (5) - Halls (Clive F)
16 Nag Patron, reason to be unwelcome? (7, 3, 5) - Persona non grata (Audrey F)
17 Doh! Must I confuse the title and the song? (3, 5, 2, 5) - The Sound of Music (Audrey F)
18 It’s a pencil although it could be moulded! (10) - Plasticine (Audrey F)
19 Artist events dressed as something different (12) - Transvestite (Boots)
20 Big lefty defied injunction by singing “Something in the Air” (12, 6, 6) - Unidentified Flying Object (Audrey F) -
... A snail decided to slither down my patio door (it had obviously decided to slither up previously - but I didn't see it at that time).
Everyone warned him to not meet the gorilla he raised ❤️ 🥺 -
Ridiculous organisation by the NHS
There is a really stupid scenario going on locally for people having surgery at Queens hospital.
They have to go to Goodmayes hospital for their pre op. tests, then the same day go to King George hospital for a Covid test - literally 5 mins walk away, but the covid test at King George is drive through only and they must stay in the car and then be driven straight home to isolate.
People without cars are having trouble getting cabs to accommodate these rules -
I'm sick of hearing about this, now it's in face creams, eye creams, concealers, foundation, cleansers and shampoo , they'll be putting the stuff in bread next.
The police came round earlier looking for my wife, I said “she’s in the garden”. They came back and said,”we couldn’t find her”.
I said, “how deep did you dig”. -
Your treat -- without guilty conscience
National Ice Cream Cake Day Date in the current year: June 27, 2021
National Ice Cream Cake DayAn ice cream cake is the perfect dessert for a hot summer day. Celebrate National Ice Cream Cake Day on June 27 by treating yourself to a slice or two of delicious ice cream cake with your favourite flavour.
An ice cream cake is exactly what it says on the tin: a cake that contains ice cream. Unlike the popular dessert baked Alaska, the ice cream in ice cream cakes doesn’t go into oven; it is added to the cake as it’s being assembled.
Ice cream cakes are believed to have derived from Victorian era desserts called bombes, which consisted of fruit and ice cream served frozen in a mold. They were named bombes because the most commonly used molds were spherical, so the dessert resembled a cannonball. Sometimes bombes were lined with biscuits or cake; this variation eventually evolved into the ice cream cake. The first ice cream cake recipes date back to the 1870s.
An ice cream cake typically consists of alternating layers of sponge cake and ice cream; the most popular variation is a three-layer cake, with a layer of ice cream between two layers of sponge cake. The sponge cake is baked as one would normally do, cut into the required shape if necessary, and then frozen. Ice cream is shaped using a mold, and the cake is then assembled. The trick is to assemble the cake while all the layers are still frozen.
Ice cream cakes are usually frosted with whipped cream for two main reasons. First, most frostings do not adhere well to ice cream and frozen sponge cake. Second, the light, airy texture of whipped cream is believed to complement the frozen cake perfectly.
Ice cream cake is a popular dessert in North America and Australia, but it is not particularly known in Europe. In the United States, ice cream cake is often served at birthdays, summer weddings, and Fourth of July parties. Independence Day-themed ice cream cakes are usually decorated in red, white and blue to resemble the American flag.
The Carvel ice cream franchise is particularly famous for its ice cream cakes, especially Cookie Puss, Hug-Me Bear and Fudgie the Whale. It has released multiple holiday-themed ice cream cakes, including, for example, Christmas-themed Snow Man and Santa Claus, Thanksgiving-themed Tom the Turkey, Halloween-themed Wicky the Witch and Dumpy the Pumpkin, Seamus the Leprechaun for St. Patrick’s Day, and others.
National Ice Cream Cake Day was submitted to National Day Calendar by the Jurado family and Cupcakes for a Cause, a Texas A&M student organization that brings together students who love baking to raise money for local charities. It has been celebrated annually since 2018.
Celebrate the holiday by ordering your favorite ice cream cake from a local bakery or making one yourself if you’re up to the task. Don’t be afraid to experiment with ice cream flavors and decorate the cake as outrageously as you want to! Invite your friends over to share the delicious cake with you and don’t forget to post pictures of the cake on social media using the hashtag #NationalIceCreamCakeDay to spread the word. -
Mini tornado or lightning strike or something in Barking, walls knocked down and trees uprooted.
Covid rapid tester (Edited)
Yesterday picked up my tester kit in the market, just done my first ever test , there are 7 of everything except the tester panel.
Are you supposed to reuse this or is it just a one off and you throw away all 6 other bits unused. ? -
BREAKING NEWS ...just seen headline (Edited)
Married Matt Hancock’s job “is in the balance” caught on CCTV in “steamy clinch” with lobbyist married female inside the Health Department!
Does that mean Boris’s job “is in the balance” too, and many others. 😅😂This discussion is now closed.
At a time when we are showing an average of 16,700 new cases per day and another surge in Covid cases, I find the following a rather over-optimistic venture.. -
A whole evening without football on either of the 2 main TV channels, wonders will never cease.
Have you seen this?
Channel 4 is under threat. Oliver Dowden, the Culture Secretary, wants to sell off the broadcaster - which is currently publicly owned - to a private buyer. The result could be cuts to spending as a new owner looks to turn a profit - and could undermine Channel 4’s remit of nurturing the UK creative sector.
The government is unveiling the plans today, so it’s the perfect moment to push back! And we’re not alone - Sir David Attenborough has also accused the government of pursuing “short-sighted political and financial attacks” on our broadcasters.
If thousands of us add our names to an open letter today to defend Channel 4, it could be enough to damage the government’s plans before they’ve even launched. Together, we can make it clear that the public simply does not support these unnecessary changes to a crucial and innovative broadcaster.
Will you join me and sign the petition today? -
Another good reason not to use them.
If anyone wants to make their displeasure known, Greenpeace have a petition -
The strawberry full moon will appear in the night sky this coming Thursday, June 24.
A girlfriend challenged her boyfriend to live a day without her. No communication at all, and if he passed the test, then she would love him forever. So the boyfriend agreed. He never called or texted his girl for 24 hours, not knowing that the love of his life was dying of cancer and only had 24 hours left to live.
After a day, he excitedly went to meet his girlfriend, to say “I did it baby” .. but the tears quickly streamed down his cheeks. As he saw his girlfriend laying in a coffin, with a note which said “You did it baby, now do it everyday, I love you” ☹️ 😒 😢
The moral of the story, is to love whatever you have NOW, each and everyday. Life is too short, unpredictable and so precious. -
I didn't save the rather nice poster about bees that someone posted - and not sure which group it was in - I'd be grateful if someone could find it again for me.
Why it's the end of the road for petrol stations
Most of the points you are likely to think of have already been covered in the comments at the end of the article. -
Can I just say Happy Fathers Day to all of the Dads on here! May you be blessed with food and drink and love today!!
❤❤ -
Mobile network to avoid like the plague
They are called ID Mobile.
My sister wanted a cheap smartphone and the salesperson in Carphone Warehouse sold her one with an ID Mobile sim card. Monthly line rental contract of £25. This includes some minutes and some data.
She only wanted the handset and soon as she was home , took out the ID Mobile sim and replaced it with her O2 sim that was previously in her broken phone. So the ID Mobile sim has never been used, and she accepts she still has to pay the £25 a month line rental for the duration of the contract.
Now the bad news. Over the last year there have been at least 3 times when her monthly bill has been around £75. Looking at the itemised bills , which should just say monthly line rental £25, they were showing her Data Allowance of 500mb fully used and a list of costs of data used over her allowance, totalling around £50.
The thing is there should be ZERO data usage as there is no ID Mobile sim card in the handset.
Anyway we have decided to buy out the contract