Posts from Lane End
DagenhamI need an old decent size suitcase ? willing to pay . I want to send clothes to Africa and have been told if I send in a decent looking/ new case i...
HaveringIs anyone else having problems with PMs? I have had several lately but when I click onto the envelope I just get the name of the person that sent i...
Dagenhamare they any good ? if the sun is very strong it seems to blind me for a minute or two when I am driving and to me that's dangerous. Looked them up...
BecontreeCan any of you young ladies remember when young, Knocking at a door and asking to take their baby for a walk. When young we as kids ourselves, used...
BecontreeThere you go Alan Soon it will be getting dark earlier - hate it or like it ?
HaveringSo its nearly halloween, my favourite time of the year, i am offering special offers on PC/Laptops services £40 for a full software service. This s...
Dagenhammost of us loved Freddy Mercury and Queen, has anyone been to see the movie yet ? Last year we went to a special Senior Concert at the RHA here the...