Posts from Haringey
Burnt OakTescos in Burnt Oak closing down on the 22nd of February I think it is a shame no proper supermarket in the area
Woodside ParkWith many, many thanks to all of our loyal regular supporters, plus a one-off donation, £330 was raised this month to help Beatrice with her endles...
BatterseaI recently went to a comedy night at The Bedford pub on Bedford Hill and it was excellent. I thought I'd recommend it here in case anyone else is l...
Woodside ParkCopied from I am a London Borough of Barnet Bod Facebook entry...
BecontreeMy daughter got my hubby a box of allsorts for Christmas (his favourite sweets) Inside was three bags of sweets, but only in one of those bags was ...
Dagenhamdoes anyone know if any of the supermarkets are taking your used xmas cards ? I think Sainsburys in The Brwery did so last year.
BatterseaHello ScoopLoop Neighbours Can anyone recommend a good fence repair person/company? My back garden fence has started to lean as a result of the s...
BalhamHi neighbours. Does anyone have any moving boxes that they don’t need anymore? Many thanks.