• beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - updated 7y

    I thought I had seen it all...

    But not so when I happened to see naked dating program on TV. I do not watch TV due to lack of time but have it on for the cats sometimes. I could not believe how the only interest of the participant looking for a date was what the contestants looked like without their clothes on. It started by showing full front of their legs and genitals then their chests then their bums and eventually their face. No interest in their personality or hobbies or lifestyle. Irrelevant but sexual preferences and what goes with it the only priority. I was shocked. Is that the essence of forever relationships? When I rehome cats I no longer allow people to chose them for their looks but do my best to match kitties and new owners to ensure forever happy relationships according to both their needs and personality. No wonder so few people understand and appreciate my efforts in doing so when humans get matched according to the way their bodies look naked and nothing else matters...
    Rather sad as far as I am concerned. Do small or large breasts or small or large penis make you a better person and ensure a forever happy relationship?
    My cats who were watching that program must have thought the contestants were animals as they are not in the habit of seeing naked bodies...

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