Posts from Grays
BecontreeEvery week I get at least 3 emails saying i am entitled to/have won an Amazon gift card and click the link, I never do. Today I received one that l...
Harold WoodIn my efforts to keep healthy, I am often looking at information on the internet while having my lunch (as you do). For those of you with time to s...
BecontreeI have a big problem with my Chrome settings, something is on there about a dodgy pornographic virus and giving me a number to call [ which seems t...
BecontreeWhy does everything with a new version have to be so complicated ? I have just set up a new TV recorder which is pretty basic and a replacement for...
BecontreeOutlook has changed again and I don't like it, took me ages to get used to it last time they changed it. This time it is horrible and doesn't do wh...
Becontree HeathIs it possible to replace the HDMI ports (3) on a TV. Here's the story (in brief) Thunderstorm, lightening strikes Virgin cable in the street, powe...