Posts from Fulham Palace Road
Upper TootingI'm looking for a recommendation for a washing machine repair person please. My machine has started making a strange loud whining noise when rinsin...
BatterseaIf you or know of anyone who has lost one ping me. I will hand into Police station tomorrow.
BrixtonI rent and the blind in my bedroom isn't very good as it lets a lot of light through, and because I work night shifts it's difficult to get to slee...
EarlsfieldOnly 2 days to go until we start fresh with a brand new year! Make 2018 a healthy one for body and spirit with Pilates! Reclaimbody Pilates is b...
EarlsfieldHi, my boiler is playing up. Luckily i can reset it and starts working again but would rather not wait until it finally packs up. Any recommendatio...
ClaphamI'm looking for a tradesperson to fit a UPVC door and door frame if anyone knows a guy? Thanks.
Wimbledon ParkHello, I'm looking for a pub that does a weekly or regular quiz if anyone knows of one? Just for fun really and to exercise my brain a little. Thanks!
StockwellOur kitchen is part of an extension and we're thinking about getting a skylight fitted to let some more natural light in. Does anyone know a compan...