Posts from Ashtead
Upper TootingPeople in lockdown are already doing this in Switzerland and Italy
Date: 27.03.2020. Time: 19:30
Location: 19 Thrale Road
New Storytelling sessions Hosted by Alison Royce plus Storytellers Hannah Need and Eileen Egerton What’s the worst job you’ve ever ‘ad? ‘The Altern... -
Hershamof Little and Large has died with the virus, age 78, but also was being treated for a heart condition. :his family couldn’t be with him. I think th...
BatterseaThe 'Clap for Our Carers', set-up to thank the NHS and all frontline staff who are battling against the coronavirus, is a weekly event, taking plac...
East HorsleyPeople may be wondering how well the stay at home policy is working. The Financial Times reporter John Burn-Murdoch has been monitoring the data ga...
BrixtonExams will still happen! Unless you’re 100% confident your predicted grades are amazing and you’re happy with them, then don’t give up on the stud...
Upper Tooting#coronavirus #covid-19 If someone is in need or want to donate food/ money - The Trussell Trust has a brilliant online map where you can locate yo...