Posted in: Share tips to make life easier!
I collected a large black sack of lavender cuttings from a freecycler. I usually bung the cuttings in a couple of old pillowcases and stick them in a wardrobe or the airing cupboard. I kept it in the car while it completely dried out (wonderful smell whenever I got in it!!!). However, there was far too much for just a couple of pillow cases, so I hit upon the idea of spreading it between about 15 old pillowcases (don't ask!!), threading them on hangers with 3 or 4 safety pins, and hanging them among the clothes. Smells lovely when you open the door and should deter moths! I couldn't face making small lavender bags - and these are thin enough to line drawers, as well. -
Posted in: Anything !
Posted in: Anything !
When I don't answer my mobile (either because I can't find it,(!) or don't recognise the caller), I am getting a strange message. It sounds as if someone is making a call for help, someone else interjects with "Who are you calling?", and then it cuts off. This happens in exactly the same way, whether I know the original caller or not, and even when I phone from my landline to find my phone, there is the same message, as of course I don't pick it up to answer it! How can I get rid of it? I know it's a scam of some kind, and is itt stopping genuine callers from leaving a message. Has anyone else experienced this?
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