An update from Martin Tett, Leader of Buckinghamshire Council
24 July 2024
Dear resident,
As promised, I am writing with a further update now that the new Government has set out its legislative programme in last week’s King’s Speech. I want to highlight the key elements of this which affect Buckinghamshire.
As I also said in my last update, it’s been a really active period for the council in the run up to the summer break, so I wanted to give more detail on some of that work and also some of the summer activities that are available, hence sending another quite long newsletter to you so soon after the previous one!
The King’s Speech
This is the way that a government sets out its priority policies and the legislation it intends to bring forward to support them. This King’s Speech contained no less than 40 proposed new Acts of Parliament. These covered a wide range of different public policy areas that impact us all nationally, and many of which will have specific implications for Buckinghamshire too.
New Bills cover proposals from major policies on economic growth, planning reform and devolution to buses and schools. There are proposals to limit landlords’ ability to evict tenants. Given the large number of rented properties in Buckinghamshire, that will be significant. There is a Children’s Wellbeing Bill that provides for breakfast clubs in all schools. We will need to see how that will operate and who will pay for the additional costs involved. There will be a new schools’ curriculum which must be taught in all state schools. Well publicised during the election, there will be VAT levied on all independent schools. You can read the full detail of what is being put forward by going onto the Government’s website.
Planning Reform
I wanted to highlight the area of policy that I believe will have the greatest impact on our area, particularly where planning and development is concerned.
The speech included confirmation that the Government will bring forward a new Planning and Infrastructure Bill.
We don’t have all the detail yet but from what Ministers have said there appear to be two key aspects to this new Bill which will have major impacts on Buckinghamshire.
Firstly, the reimposition of ‘top down’ housing targets. This is for the number of houses actually built, not granted permission. Councils do not build houses, that is done by private house builders and some social housing providers. We do not know the actual size of these targets yet but, given the overall target of 1.5 million during the rest of this Parliament, we anticipate they will be very large. Councils will have to allocate enough land to allow for all this target, and more, to give scope for the rate at which the houses are actually built. The role of local councils and local people in deciding where these houses are built is also likely to be substantially reduced. Of course, the houses will require appropriate infrastructure such as roads, schools, doctors’ surgeries, energy, water and waste water, digital networks etc. However, it is unclear how all of these will be funded and built in the timescales. Also how does this fit with existing approved Local Plans?
The second key aspect is the move by government to have local councils reallocate much of the Green Belt, a so called ‘Grey Belt’. There is no definition of what constitutes ‘Grey Belt’. Currently about a third of Buckinghamshire is Green Belt and much of this is also in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). At present the law gives protected status to land designated as Green Belt. The Green Belt was designed to preserve in perpetuity the beauty and openness of the countryside and prevent towns and villages merging. Importantly the Green Belt is about ‘openness’, not about being parkland. It is current council policy to protect and maintain the Green Belt whenever possible, although we accept that there will always be exceptional circumstances where Green Belt can be released. It will have to be seen how Green Belt release will be required and what role will be given to councils in this process or whether developers will be able to take the initiative.
Economic growth
There is also a clear focus on economic growth through the new Bills being put forward which of course, we recognise is much needed on a national level and an important focus locally too in supporting and building our local economy and securing a bright future for Buckinghamshire and future generations here. We are currently refreshing our strong local growth plan that has been developed through the Buckinghamshire Growth Board. This outlines how our county can make a significant contribution to the UK economy as a whole through our local industries and local plans.
We welcome further confirmation on the intent to progress the devolution agenda too. I was written to by the new Deputy Prime Minister, Angela Rayner last week and look forward to further discussions about how devolved powers will work here after having a devolution deal for Buckinghamshire announced by the last government
Tackling the litter louts
Onto other priority areas for our residents and I’m really pleased that I can now confirm we have adopted a bold new policy to tackle littering head on – including introducing much higher penalties, which are due to come into force this week.
We’re not shying away from this; we want people to sit up and take notice, so we are launching an attention grabbing new anti-littering campaign called ‘For Bucks Sake’. We will also be issuing penalties of £500 for people who are caught littering.
Like you, I am fed up and disappointed by the sheer amount of litter that I see blighting our beautiful county and disrupting nature, especially on roadside verges. It’s the same stuff – empty drink cans, cigarette and vape packets, fast food wrapping, plastic bottles and containers, and it’s getting worse and worse. I cannot believe that some people think it’s OK to chuck their rubbish from a vehicle, yet many people seem to be doing this – and think they can get away with it.
Not anymore.
We are among the first councils to use these new powers of higher fines – and a quicker route to catching and punishing the culprits. We are also using a powerful new weapon in our armoury – dashcam footage. We will be leading the way on this by directly appealing to people to send us any footage they might have of littering – captured in a way that is of course, safe and legal.
We are inviting people to upload footage and photos to our new webpage
if their dashcam has captured someone in a vehicle chucking litter out of the window. With car registration details, this will provide us with the evidence we need to trace and fine the culprit. The new policy will also allow us in the coming months to prosecute through the civil process meaning it will be the vehicle owner who will be liable, whether they threw the litter or not – this should encourage drivers to ensure their passengers do the right thing, and hopefully encourage passengers not to risk the driver being given a penalty for littering!
I hope that the new approach and penalties will prove a powerful deterrent.
Have your say
I wanted to draw your attention to some important consultations we have at the moment that we want to invite you to comment on to ensure you are a part of shaping these policies. Of particular note, we are proposing some changes to our library service, including introducing longer opening hours, and extending some self-service aspects, whilst retaining face to face contacts during core hours. We are also currently consulting on our Housing Allocations Policy for social housing tenants and our draft Air Quality Action Plan.
These are really important council services and policies to many of you, so please do visit our ‘Your Voice Bucks’
webpage to comment and be involved in the decision-making process.
Summer break
We have reached the end of another school year and the start, for many, of the summer break. I’m sure many of you have holidays planned, whether at home or abroad, and I hope you can also make the most of the array of wonderful walks, events and attractions we have on our doorstep here in Buckinghamshire.
We have many low-cost and free activities and events on the Buckinghamshire Family Information Service website
so I urge you to take a look if you want ideas on keeping children – and adults alike – entertained! There are also full details of how to access all aspects of family support and advice on these webpages if you need it.
I also wanted to affirm our continued support for local families over the summer too. We know juggling finances over the summer months can be tricky. We are running our Holiday Activities and Food programme across the summer for families who get benefits-related free school meals, so those children have access to free childcare and a healthy meal all provided within the scheme. We have also issued £50 food vouchers to eligible families too, to help with food costs over the summer. I remain very conscious that for many households the cost of living still presents a significant challenge and I hope this support makes a difference.
Well done to schools and students
I also want to thank all school staff and school leaders for their hard work over the last academic year and wish all the very best to students, particularly those awaiting exam results in the coming weeks. I’m really proud of the achievements of all of our schools that we celebrated in our recent School Awards. We have a higher level of children and young people attending good and outstanding schools than the national average and this is testament to everyone involved, families, students and the tireless efforts of teachers and all who work in schools. I hope you can enjoy a well-earned break in the coming weeks.
Proud of Bucks!
Last, but not least; nominations are now open for our annual ‘Proud of Bucks’ awards.
Is there someone who you think is a community hero worthy of more recognition? These awards, being run through our sixteen Community Boards, aim to shine a light on the incredible contributions of the unsung heroes in our communities across the county so please take a look how to make a nomination if you have someone in mind!
I hope you have a great summer and that we can finally see the back of the rain!
Stay safe and well,
Martin Tett
Leader of Buckinghamshire Council

Neighbourhood loop for Burnham, Buckinghamshire
Open Loop 66
Bucks County Council has installed traffic cameras at the following places and will, with immediate effect, take drivers to court for performing incorrect manoeuvres at them.
Proposed locations
1)Amersham - Gore Hill - No right turn out of Fieldway on to Gore Hill
2)Amersham - Whielden Lane A404 - No right turn into Whielden Street
3)Amersham - Amersham Road (A413) junction with Pipers Wood - No U-turn
4)Aylesbury - Mandeville Road - No right turn into private road (back of Asda near hospital)
5)Buckingham - High Street at the junction with Moreton Road A413 (running parallel to A422) - No entry
6)Buckingham - Well Street - Environmental weight restriction - Prohibition of goods vehicles exceeding 7.5 T
7)Chalfont St Peter - Oval Way outside Thorpe House School - School keep clear
8)Chesham - High Street - Pedestrian zone - prohibition of motor vehicles except loading for commercial vehicles
9)Gerrards Cross - Packhorse Road junction with Station Road - Entering yellow box junction with no clear exit
10)High Wycombe - Corporation Street - Prohibition of vehicles except buses and taxis (Hackney carriages only)
11)High Wycombe - Hamilton Road outside The Royal Grammar School - School keep clear
12)High Wycombe - Marlow Hill junction with School Close - Entering yellow box junction with no clear exit
13)High Wycombe - Castle Street - No entry except for buses
14)Wexham - Uxbridge Road at the junction with Black Park Road - No U-turn -
There are a number of roles available in schools and with partners Slough Children First and Osborne Property Services Ltd which can be viewed here -
Slough's climate change strategy and action plan
The council has published proposals on how to eliminate the borough’s contribution to climate change and how to achieve it over the next 20 years.
The Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan is a draft document which sets out how the borough can address sources of carbon emissions. This includes how buildings in the borough can become more energy efficient and how to address car dependency among other issues.
The proposals also include how Slough will adapt to the risks of climate change, such as extreme heat and flooding.
The strategy and action plan has been developed with the support of the sustainability consultancy, Anthesis Ltd, and as part of its development the council has held a series of workshops engaging with stakeholders from the built environment, transport, waste, natural environments, residents, community groups, youth groups, public services and the private sector.
The plans are to tackle five key areas including what the council and other stakeholders in the borough can do and focuses on following:
• reducing emissions from our estate and operations
• reducing energy consumption and emissions by promoting energy efficiency measures, sustainable construction, renewable energy sources, and behaviour change
• reducing emissions from transport by promoting sustainable transport, reducing car travel and traffic congestion, and encouraging behaviour change
• reducing consumption of resources, increasing recycling and reducing waste
• supporting council services, residents and businesses to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
The council has set a target of borough-wide carbon neutrality by 2040, with an ambitious stretch target of 2030. This was outlined in Slough’s Climate Change strategy vision in June 2021. This target complies with the UK’s national target of net zero emissions by 2050 and a reduction of 78% of emissions by 2035 relative to 1990.
Cllr Rob Anderson, cabinet member for sustainable transport and the environment, said: “This is the chance for residents to comment on what is a complex analysis of a hugely important issue for us all.
“I hope people will take the opportunity to help map out our future direction.”
For more information and to comment on the plan before the end of the month, visit
Use buses in Slough? Yes or no - opinions needed
A closer relationship with bus operators is expected to lead to a better bus network for the borough.
The council is developing a bus service improvement plan as part of Slough’s response to the government’s new national bus strategy, which aims to create plans to improve bus services and journeys.
The plan will create better relationships with bus providers to enable improvements to the network including those based on resident input. In addition, there is the opportunity to bid for a slice of £3bn in funding from the government for improvements, which could include measures to support lower fares, more priority for buses and better passenger information.
To assist in creating the improvement plan the council is looking for the views of passengers who already use the bus network in the borough AND from people who do not, to understand the reasons why.
The survey is applicable to all ages and in particular, the council would like to hear from younger people.
The council is also consulting with businesses and other stakeholders in the town.
Questions for current Slough passengers include how many days buses are used and when, the reason for travel, and whether bus journeys are reliable, clean and affordable.
Questions for non-users include what prevents them from using buses such as safety concerns, convenience and cost, and what other forms of transport they prefer.
Importantly, the survey aims to understand what would make people use the borough’s buses more often.
Cllr Rob Anderson, cabinet member for sustainable transport and the environment, said: “This is a great opportunity to understand the bus transport needs and views of residents in the borough in a bid to make improvements.
“As a result, when submitting bids to the government for funds, the council will be prioritising measures based on what residents have requested.
“Buses could not only become a more affordable transport choice but one which will also contribute to better air quality in the borough which will be good for everyone.”
Any successful funding bid from the government would only be permitted to be spent on specified bus projects.
The survey is only about buses in the borough and not for residents who use buses in neighbouring boroughs or London.
The survey which is different for bus and non-users, and takes just a few minutes to complete, can be found here -
The survey is live until midnight on Sunday 26 September 2021.
Distraction burlgaries (Edited)
There have been recent reports of distraction burglaries in the borough and we are reminding residents of some simple tips of how to protect themselves and their property.
*If you are not expecting a workman be extremely cautious
*Expect ID cards to be presented
*Call the organisation stated if an ID is presented. A genuine caller will not mind or hurry a householder
*Try and find the number for the organisation independently of any information on the ID card
*Close the door when making the call
*Organisations like "the water board" or "the gas board" do not exist
*Ask for information about specifics like your account number if you are unsure of the caller
We are also urging families with vulnerable relatives to talk to them about how to deal with unexpected callers so they are better prepared.
Any suspicious callers should be reported to Thames Valley Police on the non-emergency 101 number or via the website -
The westbound carriageway of the M4 is closed between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9, Maidenhead, from 9pm on Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 September, until 6am the following morning.
Both carriageways will be closed between the same junctions and times on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 September.
The full weekend closure is further eastbound between junctions 4b, the M25 and 3 Hayes.
All work is part of the Highways England smart motorway project. -
The planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon in the past week, can all be viewed here -
New Langley Community Association Lunch Club
Lovely to see the New Langley Community Association Lunch Club back in action after 18 months, with the support of the National Lottery Community Grant and One Slough Community Fund. They enjoyed their first lunch back yesterday and will be back on Thursdays from 12noon at NLCA in Harrow Road, Langley. If you know of any elderly or vulnerable residents who may benefit from the friendship, cooking and socialising at the club, then please share the details. Visit
The westbound carriageway of the M4 will be closed between junctions 5, Langley, and 6, Slough, from 9pm on Tuesday 31 August, Wednesday 1 and Thursday 2 September, until 6am the following morning
The full M4 closure this weekend is further afield between junctions 4b, the M25, ad 3, Hayes.
All work for Highways England smart motorway project. -
Fake tobacco found twice in shop
A business owner specialising in nuts and seeds has been given a conditional discharge by magistrates after counterfeit tobacco was found on his premises twice in five months.
The first batch was discovered with the help of a detection dog during a search.
The business owner was interviewed and the investigation was progressing when another tip off was received that illegal tobacco was still being sold. A second search was conducted and more illegal tobacco was found.
The council’s trading standards investigation led to the company, Aymann & Co Limited, and its director Humza Shahid each facing 16 charges under the Trade Marks Act 1994, Tobacco and Related Products Regulations 2016, and the Standardised Packaging of Tobacco Products Regulations 2015.
The tobacco offences included having a product with non-English labelling, being counterfeit, with no statutory health warnings, and non-plain packaging.
Mr Shahid, 29, of Hambrough Road, Southall, and the business, admitted a total of 32 offences during a hearing at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Friday 20 August.
Trading standards officers first found 1,574 counterfeit tobacco products at Hamza Pan Centre, Park Street, Slough, on 22 October 2019, with the assistance of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs tobacco detection dogs.
Mr Shahid was interviewed about the find and a further 2,143 illegal tobacco products were discovered at the same premises on 9 March 2020.
In total 1,496 packs of illegal cigarettes, 70 pouches of illegal hand rolling tobacco and 2,151 pouches of illegal smokeless tobacco were seized.
Magistrates handed Mr Shahid a 12-month conditional discharge and he was ordered to pay £500 costs and a victim surcharge of £42.
Dean Cooke, principal trading standards officer, said: “As there was significant evidence to suggest this was not an isolated incident, we were disappointed with the sentence.
“However, if there are no further illegal sales from this premises, this result contributes to the process and it would have been productive.
“The council continues to operate a zero-tolerance policy in respect of illegal sale of tobacco in the borough. We will continue to monitor and act on intelligence regarding these types of products.”
Cllr Balvinder Bains, cabinet member for regulation and public protection, said: “Any counterfeit products pose a risk to the borough’s residents using them.
“We do not accept them being sold in the borough and they will be discovered resulting in potential criminal records and costs orders.” -
Planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon in the last week, can all be viewed here - -
Very helpful (medical) information, from a local GP (Edited)
I would like to recommend a new medical news feed in the "Public Notices" loop.
A GP in Burnham collates a weekly email for his patients covering the major medical news stories from the past week, and a copy is being posted on Scooploop
I think it's a useful read, and among other things, provides a helpful overview of the continually changing topics of Covid-19 and vaccination. -
There are no M4 motorway closures over the Bank Holiday weekend.
The westbound exit slip road and the eastbound entry slip road, at junction 6, Slough, will be closed overnight from 9pm on Wednesday 25 and Thursday 26 August, until 6am the following morning.
The work is for Highways England smart motorway project. -
New ‘how to’ videos launched (Edited)
Residents can do so much through the council’s website, including reporting issues, paying bills and making applications.
Slough Borough Council is working towards a digital-first agenda, enabling residents to access the information they need, when they need it.
Residents can easily set up their own self-serve account which gives them access to their council tax, benefits and business rates information.
They can also arrange payments, set up direct debits, report changes of address, view their bills, and much more.
We have created a useful video guide to show the steps to take when setting up a self-serve account and demonstrate all the things you can do within self-serve. There is also a video to explain the ways to pay your council tax and another to show how easy it is to set up a direct debit.
Further instructional videos will be produced to guide residents. Visit the 'How to' page to watch the videos and look out for more updates in future -
Residents can also use the arrangement manager, within the self-serve area, to arrange instalments and choose how much to pay in each instalment. Previously they would have had to call the council to arrange this.
Councillor Martin Carter, lead member for customer services and corporate support, said: “Our website is the best place to start when searching for information about a council service. You can find out bin collection dates, make payments, report issues and make contact using our online forms.
“Often our call centre is in high demand, so residents may have a longer wait to speak to someone. By using our website and setting up a self-serve account, residents will be able to do so much more for themselves, at a time that suits them, and without the wait.”
Along with a wealth of information on council services, there are online forms for reporting issues. Below are the things residents can apply for, issues they can report and bills they can pay.
Jobs at the council
Council home
Planning application
School place
Library membership
Parking permit
Housing benefit
Council tax support
Licences and permits.
A Covid-19 issue
Missed bin collection
Missing or damaged bin
Street light not working
Potholes or other highways and transport issues
Report a road spillage
Flytipping and littering
Report a crime or emergency
Anti-social behaviour
Statutory nuisance
Suspected adult abuse
Child at risk
Abandoned or untaxed vehicles
Street cleaning issues
Dog fouling
Blocked drains and sewers
Noise complaints
Litter or a problem with a litter bin.
Parking fine
Council tax
Council invoice
Rent (council tenants)
Licence renewal
Licences and permits
Business rates
Music service
Attendance based penalty notice.
Visit the council's website to explore -, or sign up for a self-serve account at -
The latest planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon in the past week, can all be viewed here -
Are you an EU, EEA or Swiss citizen resident in the UK by 31 December 2020? If you didn’t apply to the EU Settlement Scheme, you can still make a late application if you have reasonable grounds for missing the deadline. Apply now at
Both carriageways of the M4 between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9, Maidenhead, will be closed from 12.01am on Sunday 22 August until 6am on Monday 23 August.
The eastbound carriageway will be closed tonight, Monday 16 August, between junctions 7, Slough west, and 6, Slough, from 9pm until 6am tomorrow morning, Tuesday 17 August.
All work for Highways England smart motorway project. -
The latest planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon, can be seen here - -
The Rebels out-gun the Gunners!! (Edited)
Slough Town FC completed their pre-season in grand style at Arbour Park, on Tuesday evening, against a team from Premier League side Arsenal.
A capacity crowd watched the National League South side take on a young squad packed with stars of the future in a friendly match.
Slough Town dominated the first half, with two goals from newly-signed striker Tom Derry in the first 15 minutes. Further chances for Slough could have seen them four or five ahead at half time. Arsenal rallied in the second half and had several chances themselves, but could not break down Slough's defences, nor the arms of new 'keeper Jonathan North. Final score: Slough Town FC 2 -- 0 Arsenal XI
A scoreline to delight any Slough Town fan!
The first match of the 2021-22 season takes place at Arbour Park on Saturday 14th August against Chelmsford City.
Match highlights from FC Video:
Official match report: -
It’s GCSE results day for Slough’s students
Unusually, just two days after A Level results, Slough’s GCSE students collected their results this morning.
Councillor Christine Hulme, children’s services, lifelong learning and skills, said: “This has been another school year with a challenging set of circumstances to finish Year 11 in. The past 18 months have been difficult, so well done to all our GCSE students on your results today. We continue to be inspired by the amazing young people we have living in this borough. As you move on to the next stage in your education, we wish you the very best of luck in whatever you have chosen to do next.
“The amazing results of our young people today could not have been achieved without the endless support and guidance of our excellent teachers and support staff in our school community. Their professionalism throughout the challenges of the pandemic has allowed our students to achieve great things, thank you very much for all of your dedicated hard work.”
If you need advice after your results, you can either drop-in or book an appointment to discuss future options! Our young people’s service is running results advice days on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 August from 11am - 5pm at The Curve, William Street, Slough, SL1 1XY. Contact Pam, our Keeping in Touch Officer, to book an appointment call: 07523 936155 or email: -
Slough Borough Council is asking residents to be aware that the annual electoral registration canvass has started.
The first stage of the annual canvass, which is required by law, has already begun. Some residents will have received an email to find out if there have been any changes to who is eligible to be registered to vote at the address where a response was required.
Letters addressed to the occupier will be sent out to most homes from 17 August. As part of the canvass, the council’s electoral services team has undertaken a national data match with records held by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). If all the household data matches with the DWP records and have not responded to the email sent last month, the resident will receive a letter where no action is required if there are no changes.
Where at least one member of the household did not match with DWP records, a form will be sent out in August. Householders will need to respond to that communication whether there are changes or no changes.
Josie Wragg, Slough’s Electoral Registration Officer, said: “This is one thing residents should not put off.
“It takes just a few minutes to either confirm the details held on the electoral register are correct which means you are able to vote for local councillors in your area; or to register if you are living at a new address.
“During this year’s annual canvass, we will be doing things a little bit differently due to the ongoing public health situation, in that we will be contacting people via letter, email or the phone over the next few months.”
Residents are required to provide the full name of each person in the household and whether they want to appear on the open register or not. People who have recently moved home are reminded to update their details at their current address.
If the council does not receive the required response, follow up forms will be sent in September, before canvassers will be sent to knock on doors from October until November.
There are more than 55,000 properties in Slough and information about how to confirm, update or register on the electoral register will happen over the next few months.
The annual canvass is required to make updates to the electoral register which is used to ensure residents can vote in elections. The new register will be published on 1 December.
The register is also important for people who want to obtain credit or a mortgage as credit reference agencies use the register to confirm details. The next local election will take place in May 2022.
To register to vote, visit
Residents have to be eligible and be:
• aged 16 or over (a person may register at 16, but may not vote until they are 18)
• a British or qualifying Commonwealth citizen who has leave to enter and remain in the UK or does not require such leave
• a citizen of the Republic of Ireland or other European Union (EU) member states.
For more information on the canvass, visit -
Beauty business fined for skin lightening cream
A business has been ordered to pay thousands of pounds by magistrates after illegal and dangerous skin lightening products which can turn skin blue, were found for sale.
The products were found by council trading standard officers after being told about the illegal trading.
Beauty World was operating out of a commercial unit at Tesco Extra, Wellington Street, Slough, when the council received a complaint about the products in July 2018.
Trading Standards officers conducted a search of the shop and discovered dozens of pots and tubes of the creams.
The store was found to be in possession of, for sale, the skin lightening cosmetics and prescription only medicines. The products contained banned substances including hydroquinone which can be very dangerous for consumers and in some cases can turn skin blue.
Noorjahan Ltd, trading as Beauty World, and its directors Jameeluddin Mohammed, 36, and Minhajuddin Mohammed, 38, both of Leeds Road, Slough, appeared at Reading Magistrates’ Court on 28 July charged with a total of 18 offences.
The company and each director admitted two offences breaching the Cosmetics Products Enforcement Regulations 2013 and a further four each, breaching the Medicines Act 1968 and Human Medicines Regulations 2012.
Magistrates fined Noorjahan Ltd £11,600 and ordered to pay council costs of £7,700 and a victim surcharge of £190.
Each director was given a conditional discharge lasting three years.
Magistrates said at sentencing: “We are told that the goods are dangerous in nature, and that they could cause real and significant damage to anyone who purchased and used them.
“The bench believes that as directors of the business, there is an absolute duty to ensure that you recruit qualified individuals and that you have an oversight regime that ensures that there is compliance with the law, and we believe you have failed in that act.
“A substance which is dangerous, which is not prescribed by a pharmacist, or sold by a pharmacist, has no right to be on the premises of a beauty product shop.
“You’ve either been negligent, or reckless, in your role as directors of the company, as you’ve quite clearly demonstrated that you did not have a grip on the functioning of your business. Let this be a lesson to you, that if you were to come back to this, or any court, that you would be subject to a custodial sentence should you come with similar circumstances to those for which you are before the court today.”
The directors admitted the charges based on the fact they did not know a member of staff, who is no longer employed, had been selling the products. However, they accepted full responsibility as directors of the company.
Cllr Balvinder Bains, cabinet member for regulation and public protection, said: “Skin lightening products have no place being sold in the borough.
“They are banned for a reason. Such products contain harmful and harsh chemicals which can have serious medical consequences but also the possibility of turning skin blue.
“This high financial penalty the courts have imposed on this business and its directors should serve as a warning to other businesses that Trading Standards take such infringements extremely seriously.”
The products are set to be destroyed. -
Results day for A-level students in Slough
Our A-level pupils received their results earlier today, as schools across the borough opened early this morning.
Councillor Christine Hulme, children’s services, lifelong learning and skills, said: “The last 18 months have bought a unique set of challenges for our A-level students who have received their results today after two years of hard work. We continue to be inspired and very proud of our students’ achievements during this unusual time.
“We as a council wish our young people every success for the future as they move on to the next phase in their lives.
“None of these successes today could have been achieved without the hard work and dedication of our school staff and support services, who have worked through a difficult and ever-changing time during this pandemic, always aiming for the very best for their students.”
If you need advice after your results, you can either drop-in or book an appointment to discuss future options! Our young people’s service is running results advice days on Thursday 12 and Friday 13 August from 11am - 5pm at The Curve, William Street, Slough, SL1 1XY. Contact Pam, our Keeping in Touch Officer, to book an appointment call: 07523 936155 or email: -
Both carriageways of the M4 will be closed between junctions 5, Langley, and 6, Slough, from 8pm on Friday 13 August until 6am on Monday 16 August.
Both carriageways will be closed between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9 Maidenhead, from 9pm tonight, Monday 9 August, until 6am tomorrow morning.
The westbound exit slip road at junction 6, Slough, will be closed from 9pm until 6am the following morning on Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11 and Thursday 12 August.
All work is for Highways England smart motorway project. -
The lists of all the planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon in the past week, can all be viewed here - -
A summer of family fun with Slough’s leisure provider
Free family fun is on offer this summer, through the council’s leisure provider Everyone Active.
The Everyone is Family campaign aims to celebrate family activity, by providing free week-long activity plans to suit every family lifestyle.
Throughout August, families will be able to participate in activities at The Centre, Slough Ice Arena and Langley Leisure Centre, as well as join in activities online or do them at home.
The themes are Relaxation Week, Summer of Sports Week, Energetic Week and Adventurous Week, with family days, parent days and cook-a-long days.
The campaign follows research by Everyone Active where 70 per cent of parents said their children are more active than 18 months ago and 83 per cent said they intend to live life to the full this summer and exercise as a family. It also showed the return in popularity of activities like swimming, football, running, cycling and trampolining.
Councillor Sabia Akram, lead member for leisure, culture and communities, said: “It’s wonderful to hear families are spending more quality time together and being active at the same time. A game of frisbee or throwing a ball to each other are simple fun activities to do anywhere, but there is plenty of other fun available at our leisure sites. I would encourage families to check out the plan and get signed up.”
Luke Routhorn, Everyone Active’s contract manager, said: "Our research indicates that all types of group activities from rounders to cycling and football are back this summer, with families hoping to enjoy exercising together more than ever before. Our new Everyone is Family campaign aims to support and reconnect families looking to get active together this summer, with free activity plans for parents, grandparents and children to do each week in August."
Free seven-day passes are available and there are prizes on offer to those that download the activity plans, including three top prizes of six-month family memberships (for up to 2 adults and 2 children).
Everyone Active has also put together a handy guide, featuring the weekly activity plans and a collection of recipes by chef Jonny Marsh.
To find out more, visit
SWRS -- Summer Railwayana & Miscellaneous Auction
Date: 06.08.2021. Time: 19:30
Location: The Manor, Slough Railway Station, Brunel Way
(Posting on behalf of Slough & Windsor Railway Society) Experience John Coke's unique style of auctioneering, join in the witty banter, and bag you... -
Housing Highlights magazine published
The summer edition of Housing Highlights, the magazine for council tenants and leaseholders, is available online now at
There is information about how to do things online, changes to leaseholder services, an update from Slough Resident Board, lots of information about safety in your homes, such as personal emergency evacuation plans and fire safety, as well as details on repair responsibilities.
There is also an update from Slough Libraries and community news about Chalvey Community Partnership and the Strong, Healthy and Attractive Neighbourhoods programme in Colnbrook with Poyle ward. Please share the link with your fellow council tenants and leaseholders. -
Both carriageways of the M4 motorway will be closed between junctions 5, Langley, and 4b, the M25, from 8pm on Friday 6 August and reopen by 6am on Monday 9 August.
Both carriageways will also be closed between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9, Maidenhead, from 9pm on Thursday 5 August until 6am the following morning.
All work by Highways England for its smart motorway project. -
All the latest planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon in the past week, can all be found here - -
Boundary Commission review - 2 August deadline
The Boundary Commission for England is conducting a review of Parliamentary boundaries and are consulting on their initial proposals.
This includes moving the Foxborough and Langley Kedermister wards from the Slough parliamentary constituency to the Windsor parliamentary constituency. View more details and have your say on the proposals at - the deadline for comments is 2 August. -
Fire leads to landlord prosecution
A landlord has been ordered to pay thousands of pounds by magistrates after a bedroom fire revealed tenants were living in unsafe housing conditions.
Eight people were believed to be living in the four-bedroomed semi-detached house where each room had been turned into a bedroom, after firefighters were dispatched to a blaze at the property.
The electrical fire caused serious damage to the box room as well as other areas of the house, and the council’s housing regulation officers were called in to investigate the living conditions. An emergency prohibition order was issued preventing anyone living in the property until the safety issues had been rectified.
The investigation revealed there were inadequate fire safety measures in the house including no fire alarms as well as the lack of physical protection like fire doors.
There was also the lack of safety features like a handrail leading to the attic room and no safety certification of the gas and electricity systems.
It was deemed a House of Multiple Occupation, or HMO, which was not registered with the council and the landlord did not have any of the legally required licences.
Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service were called to Uxbridge Road, Wexham, in the early hours of 8 October last year, after a fire in one of the first-floor bedrooms.
The investigation revealed six rooms were occupied with a combination of bedding, blankets or sleeping bags as well as suitcases or personal effects.
Landlord Nadeem Khan, 40, admitted five offences under the Housing Act 2004 during an appearance at Reading Magistrates’ Court on Friday 25 June.
Mr Khan told the two magistrates he had borrowed money to rectify all the issues and had taken on the property as an HMO and was unable to evict non paying tenants due to coronavirus regulations.
The council brought in the landlord licences in July 2019 to improve the quality of accommodation in the borough and making properties safer for tenants.
Councillor Balvinder Bains, cabinet member for regulation and public protection, said: “This could have had a very different outcome. A fire in the middle of the night with no fire alarms could have resulted in much more serious consequences.
“The reason there are landlord licences is to raise the quality of privately rented homes so tenants are in a compliant environment.”
Mr Khan, of Warwick Avenue, was fined a total of £900 and ordered to pay £3,000 costs and £90 victim surcharge. -
The council's Licensing Team is consulting on the statutory three yearly review of the council’s Gambling Act 2005 Statement of Principles. The policy document sets out how the council will carry out its responsibilities for regulating bingo clubs, adult gaming centres, betting premises and gaming machines.
The consultation and how to respond is here - -
Both carriageways will be closed between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9, Maidenhead, overnight on Friday 30 and Saturday 31 July and Sunday 1 August.
All overnight closures are from from 9pm until 6am the following morning.
The eastbound carriageway between junctions 6, Slough, and 5 Langley, will be closed overnight on Monday 25, Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 July.
The eastbound carriageway between junction 8/9, Maidenhead, and 6, Slough, overnight on Thursday 29 July.
The westbound entry slip road is also closed overnight at junction 6, Slough, on Thursday 29 July. -
The planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon in the past week, can all be viewed here - -
There are a number of roles in schools and at Slough Children First available. Take a look here - -
M4 weekend closure suspended (Edited)
Highways England has suspended the closure of the M4 this weekend.
The motorway between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9 Maidenhead, will now be OPEN.
The planned closure of the eastbound carriageway between junctions 6, Slough, and 5, Langley, between 9pm tonight and 6am the tomorrow morning, remains in place. -
Jubilee River buoys vandalised
Buoys placed at the side of the Jubilee River can save lives - but not if they have been vandalised.
Patrols along the riverside yesterday as temperatures soared revealed some of the buoys had been tampered with and some had been removed and thrown into bushes.
This includes the buoy placed on the bridge where 20-year-old Michael Scaife died. Next to the buoy is a plaque dedicated to the Langley young man who died of cold water shock on a hot day like this.
These simple devices have the ability to keep someone in trouble in the river alive.
The weather is set to remain hot this week.
The water is freezing and can kill the first time someone jumps in. -
Don't cool off in the Jubilee River
Tragically several people have died in waterways across the country during the searing heat over the last few days.
The sunshine and high temperatures are set to continue with the Met Office issuing it's first hot weather warning.
The Jubilee River is very deep and very cold.
Three young men drowned in the Jubilee River in weather just like this.
Open water is not the place to cool off.
Advice around health and hot weather can be found here - -
Both carriageways of the M4 will be closed between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9, Maidenhead, from 8pm on Friday 23 July until 6am on Monday 26 July.
The eastbound carriageway between junctions 6, Slough, and 5, Langley, is closed between 9pm and 6am the following morning on Monday 19, Tuesday 20, Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22. -
Covid vaccine drop-in sessions
This week's covid vaccination sessions - please leave 8 weeks in between doses. Further updates will be at
A list of planning applications submitted and decided upon in the past week can all be viewed here - -
School's out for summer! 🎓
And the weather is getting hotter ☀🌡this weekend.
Open bodies of water may appear tempting to cool off.
They are not.
Jumping into the Jubilee River can lead to cold water shock where gasping for breath can quickly cause someone to drown.
There are also fast flowing undercurrents especially near the tranquil looking weir.
Don't let this be a last breath ⤵ -
Parliamentary constituency review
The Boundary Commission for England is conducting a review of Parliamentary boundaries and are consulting on their initial proposals.
This includes moving the Foxborough and Langley Kedermister wards from the Slough parliamentary constituency to the Windsor parliamentary constituency. View more details and have your say on the proposals at - the deadline for comments is 2 August. -
***M4 Closures*** (Edited)
Both carriageways of the M4 between junctions 6, Slough, and 8/9 Maidenhead will be closed from 9pm until 6am the following morning tonight Monday 12 July and on Tuesday 13 July.
Both carriageways of the M4 will be closed between junctions 5, Langley, and 6, Slough, from 9pm on Wednesday 14 July until 6am the following morning.
The eastbound carriageway will be closed from 9pm on Thursday 15 until 4am the following morning between 6, Slough and 8/9 Maidenhead.
The eastbound entry slip road at junction 6, Slough, will be closed from 9pm on Friday 16 July until 6am the following morning.
Full weekend closure is a bit further afield between junctions 4b, M25 and 3, Hayes (with incorporated the junction to the Heathrow spur road) from 8pm Friday 16 July and 6am Monday 19 July. -
Train station improvement work to begin
The number of accessible parking spaces is set to increase as improvements are about to begin this week on the northern forecourt of Slough train station.
There are currently just two accessible spaces beyond the northern entrance to the town centre station which will be increased to 21 with another 27 larger bays for motorists who need more room to get out of their vehicles.
The length of Railway Terrace will be subject to improvements as part of a £2.5 million project.
The road will also be improved for train passengers on foot and who arrive at the station by bicycle or taxi.
The funding was secured by the council’s major infrastructure projects team and has been granted by Thames Valley Berkshire Local Enterprise Partnership. The particulars of the work has been agreed with partners Network Rail and GWR.
Starting this week, the work is set to take place until the New Year.
The changes include a number of on street parking spaces and two drop off zones and one for accessible vehicles.
Councillor Rob Anderson, cabinet member for sustainable transport and the environment, said: “The improvements to Slough station’s northern forecourt are part of our plans to improve the experience for people using sustainable transport and will also be good for those needing accessible spaces.
“There is access straight to the ticket area and the London bound platform.
“Immediately next to the station will be a shared space area aimed at making it a more pleasant area for pedestrians and cyclists.
“The work will include planting and landscaping, street lighting, a new retaining wall along Railway Terrace, and revisions to the existing surface water drainage network.
“This will bring the Station approach on the northern side up to a standard comparable to the southern side and help spread the load to hopefully encourage even more people to use the train.”
The accessible spaces will be free to use for blue badge holders and larger spaces will incur parking charges.
The council apologises for any inconvenience caused throughout the duration of the works and additional parking is available opposite Railway Terrance at the former TVU site. Parking charges will still apply.
Pic shows south side of the station -
The planning applications which have been submitted and decided upon in the past week can all be viewed here - -
Our electoral services team has sent out emails this week asking people to respond to the annual canvass. Each year we are required by law to ask households if there are any changes to who is eligible to be registered to vote at their address. Forms will be sent to households in August. The email displayed below is genuine. More details about the canvass are available at
Due to the England football team reaching the final of the UEFA EURO 2020 final to be played at Wembley Stadium on Sunday evening, Highways England is changing the timing of the weekend closures.
Both carriageways of the M4 between junctions 7, Slough west, and 6, Slough, will now be closed from 8pm on Friday 9 July and reopen at 6am on Sunday 11 July.