Anthill Common

Neighbourhood loop for Anthill Common, Hampshire

Open Loop 11

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y
    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y

      Alert For Facebook Marketplace Sellers Following A Number of Fraud Reports

      We are urging those selling high value electrical items online, particularly on Facebook Marketplace, to be vigilant following a number of reports where people pretending to be ‘buyers’ have walked away with the goods after convincing the seller they have paid via bank transfer.

      There have been a total of 21 incidents since August 14 across Hampshire.

      Laptops, mobile phones, tablets, games consoles, a drone and a watch are amongst the items stolen, ranging in price from £370 to £3400.

      Those pretending to be ‘buyers’ have answered a seller’s advert quickly and when they have turned up to collect the items, they have then convinced the buyer they have transferred the money by showing them the transfer on a banking app. When the sellers have said they can’t see the money in their account, the ‘buyers’ have convinced them it will appear soon and have left with the goods.

      On some occasions, the ‘buyers’ have taken a photo of the seller on their doorstep and asked them to produce ID.

      We know online buying and selling sites are really popular and are a great way to trade second hand items, however we want to remind people to please be vigilant when selling items in this way.

      Our advice would be:
      • Always check and be completely satisfied the money is in your bank account before you hand over the goods. Genuine buyers will accept that this is correct practice
      • Have someone with you at home when prospective buyers attend, or arrange to meet them in a public place
      • You do not need to show anyone ID. There should be no reason to pass over your personal details / ID to a prospective buyer
      • If you believe someone has attempted to scam you in this way, please try and note down a description of the people involved or vehicle they travelled in and make a report.
      • Report any suspicious activity via our online reporting tool

      Message Sent By
      Marisa Charles (Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire)

    • Lyn P @LynP Anthill Common - 3y

      computer boffin needed

      i asked year or so ago if anyone could recommend someone who could come to the house to sort my laptop out and to install a program that could make my life easier now my sight has got much worse
      any help greatly appreciated
      thank you

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y

      Roads Policing Unit Supports National Speeding Campaign With Month of Action

      The Joint Operations Roads Policing Unit of Hampshire Constabulary and Thames Valley Police are supporting the National Police Chiefs Council Speeding Campaign, running from the 19 July to 8 August.
      Throughout the campaign, officers will be carrying out enforcement across the force area, targeting a small but significant minority of drivers who make the choice to speed, increasing the risks to themselves and other road users.
      In 2019, there were 1,561 collisions where people were either killed or seriously injured across Hampshire and Thames Valley. Of those collisions, 191, around 12%, were recorded as having either excessive speed or travelling too fast for the conditions, as contributory factors.
      PC Dave Hazlett, Road Safety Officer for Hampshire & Thames Valley Police said:
      “As traffic gradually increases to pre-pandemic levels, the risk of collisions will naturally increase.
      “We are urging drivers and riders to simply slow down; not only to drive within the speed limit but also drive to the road conditions.
      “There are times when driving to a speed limit maybe too fast particularly on motorways, dual carriageways and rural roads which present higher risks.
      “Expect the unexpected and drive at an appropriate speed where you can react quickly to any hazards and stop safely.
      “Speeding is one of the fatal four factor that could increase the chance of road users being killed or seriously injured in a road traffic collision.
      “It’s not worth the risk.”

      Message Sent By
      James Butler (Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y

      Witness Appeal Following Assault In Waterlooville

      We are appealing for witnesses after a woman was assaulted in Waterlooville yesterday evening (Tuesday 29 June).

      Between 9.45pm and 10.30pm the victim, a woman in her 30s, was assaulted at the junction of Crookhorn Lane and College Road, leaving her with minor injuries to her head and face.

      We are keen to speak to a man who was seen in the area at the time. He is described as follows:

      • 5foot 9inches
      • Of mixed race
      • Short dark hair
      • Wearing a black jacket, hooded top and dark trousers.

      We would like to hear from this man or anyone who thinks they may know who he is.

      We’re also keen to hear from anyone who was in the area at the time and may have seen/heard anything or has Dash Cam footage, particularly if you saw a vehicle parked up on the kerb near the junction.

      Anyone with information is asked to call 101 quoting 44210256459.

      Alternatively, you can call CrimeStoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
      Message Sent By
      Danielle Butler (Police, Communications Officer, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y

      Alert For NSI and BT Customers

      Hampshire Police has received a few reports from NS&I customers who have had their accounts compromised and savings withdrawn.

      From initial reports, it appears that the customers' BT account is compromised giving the suspect access to emails and landline call forwarding functions. These services are exploited by criminals to gain control of the victims NS&I accounts. Once breached the victim's funds are withdrawn.

      BT is the only telecoms provider featured in reports thus far, but many other companies provide email services and landline call forwarding functionality that will allow this scam to operate.

      Any email account linked to finances must have good security. If you do not have 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) on your email account, you are very vulnerable to account compromise and should consider linking those financially important accounts to a more secure email address that has 2FA.

      To find out more visit
      For a personalised online security action plan visit:

      Message Sent By
      James Adnitt (Police, Cyber Protect Officer, Hampshire )

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 3y

      Hundreds of People Caught Not Wearing A Seatbelt

      Hundreds of people have been caught not wearing a seatbelt by officers during a successful month of action.

      From Monday, 24 May until Sunday, 13 June, the Joint Operations Unit (JOU) of Hampshire Constabulary and Thames Valley Police supported the National Police Chiefs' Council seatbelt campaign.

      This saw officers highlighting the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt – and from 31 May, carrying out dedicated operations targeting those who fail to wear a seatbelt despite the clear dangers.

      Officers stopped 342 vehicles in Thames Valley, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight as part of the campaign.

      Together with council partners, officers from the JOU’s Road Safety Unit educated those who were not wearing or incorrectly wearing seatbelts as well as drivers with an unsuitable child seat.

      Unfortunately, 214 people chose not to wear a seatbelt and were reported for that offence.

      Some may have the option to carry out an online diversion course, Your Belt, Your Life.

      Drivers with pets that were not properly secured were also given advice on keeping them safe for future journeys.

      Sgt Scott Kerr, Road Safety Sergeant for Hampshire and Thames Valley Police, said: “The recent seatbelt campaign in May and June showed that the vast majority of people are wearing their seatbelts. This is very positive, as we know that wearing a seatbelt correctly saves lives.

      “It does not matter how far you are travelling, every journey needs all occupants to buckle up. Research has shown that many collisions occur at low speed and within only a few miles of home.

      “You are twice as likely to lose your life in a collision if you are not wearing a seatbelt. If unrestrained, you will hit the windscreen, or the front seat in the case of a rear seat passenger, at a force of 30 to 60 times your own body weight.

      “Please wear a seat belt every time you travel in a vehicle. It's just not worth the risk.”

      Message Sent By
      James Butler (Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y

      Deer Vehicle Collisions

      This time of year often brings with it a rise in deer vehicle collisions. The following advice is what to do if you are involved in one, or become aware of a situation in which you might need to know what to do next.


      If you see an injured deer on the roadside?

      - Pull over at a safe place
      - Call the Police.
      - Giving as precise a location as you can (eg What3Words)
      - They will deal with the situation and have access to specialists.
      - Do not try to assist or move the deer as this can put you in danger.

      If you hit a deer while driving, your priorities, in this order, are:

      - Keep yourself and anyone with you as safe as you can
      - Park your car in the safest place with hazard lights on.
      - Call an ambulance if human injuries warrant it
      - Call the Police

      If the deer is alive and still visible at roadside:

      - It is best not to approach it. Doing so may cause it to run across traffic causing another accident.
      - Do not move or handle live deer, this needs a trained specialist. Do not attempt to place it in your car.
      - Call the Police.
      - Giving as precise a location as you can (eg What3Words)
      - They will deal with the situation and have access to specialists.

      For full advice, please visit -

      Yours faithfully

      The Countrywatch Team

      Message Sent By
      Anna Preswell (Police, Police Staff Investigator, Hampshire Countrywatch )

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 3y

      Have You Seen These Rings Stolen In Swanwick Burglary?

      We are appealing for anyone who has seen these two rings to contact us after they were stolen in a burglary in Swanwick on Wednesday, 5 May.

      The rings belong to a couple in their 90s, whose house was broken into while they were sleeping between 9pm and 10pm.

      After gaining entry by smashing a patio door window, the offender entered their bedroom where they were asleep and stole a small jewellery box containing two rings from their dresser drawer.

      The first ring has five large diamonds set with small diamonds in two outer gold bands, and the second has three diamonds set with two sapphires on a gold band. Neither have hallmarks due to being made abroad.

      PSI Catherine Cole said: “This distressing incident is the third time the couple have been burgled in the last four years.

      “We want to know if anyone has seen these rings, or been offered them for sale. If you have, please get in touch with us.”

      Anyone with information that can assist us with our enquiries can call us on 101, quoting reference number 44210172797.

      Message Sent By
      James Butler (Police, Corporate Communications Officer, Hampshire and Isle of Wight)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y

      Prolific Burglar Sentenced To Four Years and Six Months (Edited)

      A man has been sentenced to four years and six months in prison for robbery and conspiracy to burgle in a number of incidents across Portsmouth, Fareham and Waterlooville.

      Luke MacDonald, 19, of High Down Lane, Surrey, was sentenced on Friday (7 May) for one count of conspiracy to burgle in connection with eight incidents and two counts of attempted robbery.

      His co-defendants in the conspiracy to burgle charge, Harlie Frampton, 19, of Wymering Lane, Cosham; and Rhys Conner, 19, of Bevis Road, Portsmouth, were also sentenced to three years and four months and three years and ten months in prison respectively.

      The conspiracy to burgle charge relates to the following incidents:

      -Between 10.30pm on 17th February and 6.45am on 18th February 2019, entry was gained to an address on Colville Road, Portsmouth, and a number of electricals, a wallet and a handbag were stolen. Two sets of car keys were also taken from the house and two cars were also subsequently taken.

      -On 30th April 2019, entry was gained to a property on Hawthorn Crescent, Portsmouth, between midnight and 3.40am and two sets of car keys were taken. Two vehicles parked outside the address were subsequently stolen.

      -On 19th August 2019, entry was gained to a property on Central Road, Portsmouth, between 2am and 7am and car keys taken. A vehicle was subsequently stolen from a driveway.

      -On 28th August 2019, entry was gained to an address on Neville Avenue, Fareham, between 12.30am and 4.30am and keys for two vehicles were taken and used to steal two cars parked on a driveway.

      -On 31st August 2019 at approximately 3am, a mobile phone and car keys were taken from an address on Childe Square, Portsmouth, and a car was taken from outside the address.

      -Between midnight and 5.30am on 16th September 2019, car keys were taken from an address on Finch Road, Portsmouth and used to steal a car parked outside the address.

      -Between 9.30pm on 22nd September and 2.35am on 23rd September 2019, entry was gained to an address on Campion Close, Waterlooville, and electricals, a mobile phone, car keys and a handbag were stolen. The keys were then used to steal two vehicles from outside of the address.

      -In the early hours of 23rd September 2019, a handbag, purse, wallet and car key were taken from an address on Central Road, Portsmouth.

      MacDonald was also sentenced for a further attempted dwelling burglary which took place at an address on Campbell Road, Portsmouth, on 20th September 2020.

      No-one was injured in either of the incidents.

      In addition, MacDonald was also sentenced for attempted robbery and causing actual bodily harm in connection with an incident that took place on August 26th 2020.

      The court heard how MacDonald had attacked a cyclist, a man in his 40s, causing him minor injuries which required hospital treatment. He then attempted to steal his bike.

      Residential burglaries such as these are despicable crimes and the distress caused to victims is immeasurable.

      We hope that this sentence reassures our communities that we take these offences very seriously and investigate all available lines of enquiry to identify those responsible and bring them to justice.

      Message Sent By
      Danielle Butler (Police, Communications Officer, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight)

    • Lyn P @LynP Anthill Common - 3y

      talking microwave

      i am going to have to get a talking microwave but not a combination one

      i know that the rnib has one but i was wondering if anyone has another brand


    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 3y

      Fly tip in Havant leads to £400 Fixed Penalty Notice

      A Havant man has been issued with a £400 Fixed Penalty Notice for fly tipping his domestic waste at Broadmarsh, Havant.

      Havant Borough Councils Neighbourhood Quality team took up the investigation to track down the man who admitted the offence after an officer from the councils waste contractor, Norse South East, discovered the fly tip.

      Natalie Meagher, Head Neighbourhood Support at Havant Borough Council, said: "Fly tipping is a blight on our neighbourhoods and it is hoped that the action taken by our teams sends a clear message that it will not be tolerated."

      People are reminded that they have a duty of care to ensure that their waste is disposed of properly and must only use licensed trade carriers.

      Residents can book an appointment online to use their local Household Waste Recycling Centre.

      For further guidance on how to dispose of your waste correctly please visit

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 3y

      Have your say on the future of Havant Borough's high streets

      Havant borough’s high street businesses, and the residents who use them, are urged to complete a brief questionnaire about their views on the future of the high street.

      To complete the questionnaire, visit:

      Havant Borough Council has commissioned expert advisors, Heartflood, to produce a Covid-19 Recovery Plan to cover the seven main towns within the borough as part of measures to support their recovery from the coronavirus crisis.

      Work on the plans will begin immediately, focusing on Cowplain, Emsworth, Havant, Leigh Park, Mengham, Waterlooville and West Town and will involve both businesses and customers being asked to help to shape the priority actions which will then be considered by the council.

      Heartflood will make assessments and recommendations based on their specialist knowledge and will investigate the immediate recovery and long-term sustainability of each place.

      Simon Jenkins, Director of Regeneration and Place at Havant Borough Council, said: “The coronavirus pandemic is likely to have a profound effect on the borough’s high streets and residents’ shopping habits.

      “This research will help us to understand how the attitudes of consumers and high street businesses have changed, and what we can do as a local authority to support those businesses over the coming years.

      “I encourage as many residents and businesses as possible to complete the survey so we can get a really clear idea of what you think.”

      Chris Gregory, from Heartflood, added: “While we are able to make a range of suggestions for the borough, it is critically important that we gain the views of as many local businesses and customers to allow us to best shape the proposed key improvements for the area.”

      Find out more and complete the survey by visiting:

      This project is being co-ordinated by Heartflood on behalf of Havant Borough Council with funding from the European Regional Development Fund and the Government.

      For further information regarding the survey questionnaires, please contact Chris Gregory at Heartflood Ltd on 07854 027080 or email

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 3y

      Gloss paint

      Where on earth has all the gloss paint gone? I've been in Wilko, Wickes and B & Q and there's hardly any, just black and white. Any suggestions?

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 3y


      Can anyone please recommend a reliable plumber to repair a leak under the bath. I think the job itself is fairly straightforward, it just might be a bit tricky to get at it.

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      Appeal For Information Following Catalytic Converter Thefts In Havant and Waterlooville

      We are currently investigating reports of a number of catalytic converter thefts and wheel thefts in the Havant and Waterlooville area.

      Since the beginning of the year, we have received three reports of catalytic converter thefts and 17 instances of wheels having been stolen, often occurring overnight when vehicles are parked.

      We have also had four suspicious incidents reported to us which we are investigating.

      This follows a number of catalytic convertor thefts across the area towards the end of last year.

      Officers have been carrying out enquiries and we have managed to recover a number of wheels, which we believe have been stolen.

      These have been recovered after a 52-year-old man from Hayling Island was arrested on suspicion of theft from a motor vehicle. He has been released on bail while our enquiries are ongoing.

      We are now appealing for anyone who believes they may have had a wheel stolen from their vehicle to get in touch with us, as we may have yours.

      The wheels which have been stolen are believed to have often been spare ones fastened to the underneath of vans, and there is a chance that some may not be aware theirs have been stolen.

      We are asking people to check and anyone who has had a wheel stolen to contact us.

      Officers also want to hear from anyone who has had a catalytic converter stolen from their vehicle.

      Anyone with information should call 101, quoting the reference 44210041814.
      Message Sent By
      Danielle Butler (Police, Communications Officer, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      National ANPR Survey

      We are looking to get your thoughts around the use of Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).

      ANPR technology is used by police forces across the UK – including Hampshire Constabulary to help detect, deter and disrupt criminality, including organised crime groups and terrorists. The registration plate cameras are governed by strict codes of practice. They are most commonly used to alert officers to stolen vehicles, vehicles that have been involved in crime or to help locate missing people. The data they collect can also be used in investigations.

      You’ve probably seen how ANPR works from TV programmes or you may even use a petrol station or car park which uses the system to keep you safe. Just in case you haven’t, we’ve made a short film to show how ANPR Is used. The video shows the use of ANPR in West Midlands Police in locating a missing person. To watch it, click here ANPR Video.

      ANPR is a vital tool to help policing stay one step ahead of criminals and better protect people. Your views play an important part in how we do this. The anonymous survey will only take a few minutes of your time to complete. Click here
      to complete the survey ANPR Survey Live Link.”

      Message Sent By
      Graeme Barbour (Police, Digital Communications Officer, Hampshire)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      Havant's less-known wildlife, and how you can help it thrive - 7.30pm Wednesday 27th January

      Come and find out about some of the less well-known wildlife species that call Havant home and what you can do to help them survive - and even bring back species that have been lost.

      This is a great opportunity to hear from local wildlife gardener and conservation activist Martin Hampton, who will be sharing his knowledge of the Borough's wildlife together with some examples of practical action that will inspire listeners to do their own bit to help boost biodiversity.

      This is a virtual event that will last for about an hour. You will receive a Zoom invitation to join the event after signing up.

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      Please Share Your Views on Council Tax Contribution To Policing

      Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, is urging residents to ensure they have their say on the level of contribution they are willing to make towards the cost of local policing.This year, the Government has given Police and Crime Commissioners the flexibility to set the policing precept of the council tax for 2021/22 from £0 up to a £15 increase (7.1%) (based on Band D properties).

      In an early survey this year, Police and Crime Commissioner asked local residents from the Hampshire Constabulary policing area if they would support an increase. To date, 58% are in support of an increase. The Chief Constable and her team has made a compelling operational case for investment in policing through an increase in the council tax. A 2.5% increase (10p per week) would enable the Chief Constable to maintain what was achieved last year. An increase above this, up to 7.10% (29p week based on a Band D property) would enable the force to build on what has been achieved, take the fight to criminals and to start to reduce crime.

      Michael Lane, the Police and Crime Commissioner, would like to seek your views on this year and ask whether investing more to help reduce crime to make communities even safer is something that you would support by completing the survey.

      Message Sent By
      Graeme Barbour (Police, Digital Communications Officer, Hampshire)

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Lotus / waterlilies

      I obtained some waterlily seeds. They were a bit tricky to get started but have now germinated. They are in a glass of water. Does anyone know - what do I do now?!

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y


      I wonder if anyone can help. I have Kindle on my tablet and have bought several books which have been downloaded. I've read a few of them but haven't got around to the rest. When I tried to access a book yesterday, the Kindle icon has vanished from the screen and I can't find my books at all. I suppose they are still there somewhere but I don't know where or who to contact to sort it out
      Many thanks

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Telephone problem

      Can anyone help? My phone won't take incoming calls (it just gives an engaged tone) and I can't make calls either. The display on the phone shows "Line in use". I have been on to TalkTalk who say they've checked the line and can't see a problem. Any suggestions? Thank you.

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y

      Tell Havant Borough Council what you think about dogs in parks and on beaches

      Havant Borough Council is reviewing the rules for dogs in designated public places and wants to hear from residents.

      A public consultation has been launched today to seek resident’s views on plans to continue the current Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for dogs on beaches and in parks and open spaces in the borough.

      A PSPO helps the council to tackle particular activities carried out in a public place which is detrimental to the quality of life or the area.

      The council introduced the current Dog Control Public Space Protection Order in April 2018, which made it an offence in designated public places such as parks, playgrounds, beaches, and public spaces to:

      * Fail to remove dog mess immediately;

      * Not put and keep a dog on a lead when instructed to by an authorised officer; and,

      * Allow a dog to enter an area in which dogs are excluded.

      A breach of an order can result in offenders being issued an on-the-spot Fixed Penalty Notice of £80.

      These orders are due to expire in April 2021, and before the council can extended the regulations for a further three years, it wants to find out if the orders need updating.

      Councillor Narinder Bains, Cabinet Lead for Neighbourhoods, Safety and Enforcement, said: "Our aim is to keep our parks and open spaces as welcoming as possible for all residents to enjoy, especially those with dogs.

      “We hope to hear from as many residents as possible, whether they are a dog owner or not, as your opinion matters and will shape the new order.

      "These protection orders act as a deterrent to anyone tempted to flout the rules. Our hardworking officers have found the PSPO invaluable in educating a small minority of people. It also gives them powers to issue fines when necessary.”

      The consultation survey will run from Monday 19 October 2020 to Friday 27 November 2020 and should take between five to ten minutes to complete.

      Visit to have your say. Anyone unable to complete the survey online can call 023 9244 6053 during office hours to conduct the survey on the telephone.


    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Warning - another scam

      I've received an email saying it's my last day to pay my t.v. licence and the bank has refused my direct debit payment. My licence doesn't expire for another month and I don't pay by direct debit. Tells you to "click here". I'm not sure what happens if you do but I wasn't born yesterday. (Yesterday I was cleaning the kitchen floor!)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y

      Have your say on the pigeons in Waterlooville

      Residents and businesses in the Waterlooville area are being asked for their say on the review of a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) designed to stop people feeding pigeons in the town centre.

      Havant Borough Council is asking the views of those who live, shop, visit or work in the area how effective the PSPO has been since it was introduced in April 2018.

      Currently, any person found to be leaving seeds, bread or grain which is edible to pigeons within the designated area of Waterlooville precinct will receive a fixed penalty notice of £80.

      Councillor Narinder Bains, Cabinet lead for Neighbourhoods, Safety and Enforcement, said: "Prior to this order being made we had a number of complaints in relation to the feeding of the birds, because of the repercussions this was having on the town centre.”

      “We were constantly being asked by local businesses and residents to clamp down on those who were encouraging the pigeons, by feeding them, and we think that by continuing to have these controls, it will continue to encourage behaviour change in the very small pocket of the community.”

      “We are keen to hear the effectiveness of the current order since it was introduced and to determine if there is anything else we can be doing to eradicate any continuing issues.”

      The current PSPO is due to expire in April 2021 and there is a legal framework that must be reviewed every three years. More information about this can be found here.

      To have your say on how effective the order has been. please visit

      The consultation starts today (Wednesday 16 September) and will remain open until Friday 23 October 2020.

      Anyone unable to access the consultation online can call 023 9244 6053 (during office hours) to go through the consultation on the telephone.

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Pond liner

      Has anyone created a pond using a liner? I'm about to create one and would welcome some advice. It's just a small pond but I want to get it right. If you send me a P.M. with your phone number I can call you with my few questions. Many thanks in advance.

    • Lyn P @LynP Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Flat roof company

      Good morning

      Flat roof needs repair

      Any recommendation for roofing company gratefully received

      Many thanks

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y
    • Pauline C @PaulineCorrigan Anthill Common - 4y

      Waterlooville Community Cinema


      Did anyone go to the monthly community cinema in St George's church? The Waterlooville Events team are thinking of putting it back on in the autumn but at a maximum of 30 people we will run a small loss. That's not the end of the world as we are not about making profit but providing a service, but as a lot of the costs of running are fixed if no one attends we could lose more than £100 a month, which we cannot afford. If anyone used to attend can you let me know if it is likely (I know no one can be sure of what the situation will be like later in the year) that you would come back in the Autumn if we were to run it?


    • Lyn P @LynP Anthill Common - 4y

      Composite front door

      Looking to having composite front door replaced with another composite one

      Would be grateful for any recommendation as to companies

      Many thanks

    • Pauline C @PaulineCorrigan Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Hampshire tips Booking system now online

      The booking system is now online. You can only book 48 hours ahead (although it went online today for Monday and Tuesday). There are no appointments left for Monday or Tuesday but Wednesdays availability should be there sometime between tomorrow and Monday (not clear as it should be 48 hours but today is more than that for Monday or Tuesday so you might have to keep trying. The link is

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Bus Stops

      Can anyone tell me why all the bus stops along the A3 now have a little sign saying "Bus Stop" on a pole or lamp post next to the bus stop. We know they are bus stops, they have been there ages and have a shelter.

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Amenity tip

      Does anyone know what is going on now at the Waterlooville waste and recycling tip? I believe when it re-opened it was very lively and it could take up to two hours plus to tip a bag of rubbish, with long queues and only one bag of rubbish allowed. Has it eased up at all? Thanks

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      Covid-19 Response Survey

      Hampshire Police are asking for feedback on their response to the COVID -19 virus.

      Received today.

      Please Give Us Your Views Today - Covid-19

      We appreciate many of you have given your views about the local response to the COVID -19 virus already. However we are asking people to complete this every two weeks currently so that we can gauge how views are changing over time and today is the day we need these views from you again please.

      The survey takes just a couple of minutes to fill in and if you are doing this on a mobile device you may need to turn this to landscape view to see all of the response boxes properly. If at the end of the survey you get a notification saying there is an error and you have only completed 67% please disregard this. You will have completed it fully at this stage and your responses will have been received.

      Please click here to complete the COVID-19 Response Survey

      Thank you for your continued support with this and also for the many free text views you have been including. Whilst we do not have capacity to respond to these individually please be assured they are of great value in informing our own view on current public sentiment.

      Message Sent By
      David Humphries (Police, Chief Insp, Hampshire and IOW)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      VE Day - Friday 8th May 2020

      There is a range of national commemorations taking place on VE Day this year including two special programmes on BBC One to mark VE Day 75 which will be shown at 2.45pm-3.45pm and 8pm-9.10pm
      • 11.00am - A two-minute silence of remembrance
      • 3.00pm - The 'Nations' Toast to the Heroes of World War 2' - stand at home and raise a glass of refreshment of your choice and make the following toast - "To those who gave so much, we thank you."
      • 9.00pm - A pre-recorded television address from Her Majesty The Queen followed by a national sing-along of the war time favourite Dame Vera Lynn's We'll Meet Again.

      Great British Bunting
      A campaign by local BBC radio stations is encouraging people to make their very own VE Day 75 bunting and display it in their windows from Friday 8th May to Sunday 10th May.

      VE Day 75 Toolkit
      The government has released a toolkit with bunting templates, posters, colouring sheets and recipes.

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y

      Covid19 Scam Awareness

      Received today from neighbourhood alert.

      Criminals are exploiting the COVID-19 pandemic to defraud people.

      Below are some of the most common scams to be aware of:

      •An unexpected email from the government offering you money.
      •The 'infection list' scam mimicking the World Health Organisation (WHO) claiming to provide a list or map of local infections.
      •An email from HM Government asking for donations for the NHS.
      •An HMRC email stating you are ‘eligible to receive a tax refund’.
      •Sale of fake COVID-19 swabbing tests, supplements, and anti-virus kits.
      •A text message asking you to pay a fine as it says you have been ‘recorded as leaving your home on three occasions’ during the lockdown.
      •A phone call stating ‘government guidelines now require everyone to wear a mask outside the house, press 1 to purchase your mask’.

      •Cleansing services that offer to clean drives and doorways to kill bacteria or offering to 'decontaminate' the inside of your home.
      •Bogus healthcare workers offering to take your temperature or provide 'home-testing' for the virus.
      •Criminals offering to do your shopping. They take the money and do not return.

      Always question unsolicited calls, texts or emails requesting your personal or financial information (name, address, bank details). To verify the company contact them directly using a known email or phone number. For advice on cybercrime, or to report suspicious emails, visit Anyone who has been a victim of fraud or cybercrime can report it online at or call 0300 123 2040

      Message Sent By
      Graeme Barbour (Police, Digital Communications Officer, Hampshire)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y
    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y


      While people are at home, some are working on DIY projects. The fly-tipping has started. This has been reported.

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      Tommy Woods

      Tommy Woods used to own Woods of Purbrook, a grocery and butcher’s shop, in the building now occupied by Landi Accounting, before it was a Co-op branch.

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Survey emails

      I have received loads of Emails offering vouchers etc if I will just complete a survey. They all look bona-fide and appear to come from reputable businesses, Boots, Tesco, Morrison's, Primark. I just delete them but wonder if anyone knows if any of them are in fact genuine. Not sure I particularly want a £50 voucher for Primark anyway.

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y

      COVID Symptom Tracker

      You may find this useful. Citizen Science project reporting on infection rates by local authority area.

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Self Isolation

      Do you think this is carrying self-isolation a bit too far? (Seen outside this morning)

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y

      Support for Isolated and Vulnerable Residents - have we missed anybody?


      During the current Pandemic, many people are isolating at home. Some will be self-sufficient. Some may have family, friends and neighbours who are providing support.

      Havant Borough Council, working with Community First has set up a helpline that residents in the Borough can ring, should they require assistance; shopping, prescription collections, dog-walking, a friendly voice to speak to etc.

      Requests for assistance are passed to voluntary groups around the borough, some specifically set up for this purpose.

      There is a concern, that while many, many people are being supported, some people might be falling through the net. They need support, but are not aware of whom to turn to.

      Therefore, I would be grateful if you could share the message below with your family, friends, neighbours etc. Share it on Facebook, email it to any social groups you belong to.







      Many thanks for your assistance.

      Keep safe.


      Gary Hughes

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 4y

      Asda Havant (Edited)

      I went shopping in Asda Havant today and it was one of the most relaxed shopping trips I have had. It was not crowded and no panic buying. It was very well organised: one door in and another out with a well-spaced queue to enter; I had to wait less than ten minutes. Customers were counted in and out to prevent overcrowding. There was a one-way system in the shop and a single well-spaced queue for checkouts. An assistant called the till number when there was a space. Alternate tills were closed to help maintain distance between customers. Most things were in stock although some empty shelves (no toilet paper or flour, but plenty of hand cleaner and paracetamol) and the shelves were being restocked.

      I also had a conversation with the cashier, unlike my visit the week before last when there was silence.

      There was an announcement asking customers to shop later in the day.

      I have just heard on the BBC news that some supermarkets are relaxing restrictions on the number of items that can be bought by a single customer.

    • Pauline C @PaulineCorrigan Anthill Common - 4y

      Information needed for local Coronavirus support

      The Waterlooville Events team are helping HBC to co ordinate their local COVID-19 support.

    • Lyn P @LynP Anthill Common - updated 4y

      NHS hearing aid help

      My husband recently came home from hospital but part of the tube for the hearing

      If anyone has a spare piece of tubing, he'd be very grateful to receive it. If you have a piece would be grateful if you could pop it round to us as I'm isolating

      Or if you know where can get tubing, please can you let me know

      We'd be happy to hear from you
      Many thanks

    • TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

      Covid19 Related Ransomware Attacks

      Received from Neighbourhood Alert this afternoon.

      Good afternoon,

      We are sharing this information on behalf of our partners at the National Cyber Security Centre .

      Cyber criminals are exploiting people’s interest in COVID-19 to spread Ransomware by locking people out of their accounts or stealing information unless a ransom is paid.

      Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents you from accessing your computer (or the data that is stored on it). The computer itself may become locked, or the data on it might be stolen, deleted or encrypted.

      Kindly read and follow the current advice from the National Cyber Security Centre to avoid becoming a victim of Ransomware.

      Covid19Ransomware.JPG - 321.2 KB

      Message Sent By
      Graeme Barbour (Police, Digital Communications Officer, Hampshire)

      I didn't click on the link to the jpg.

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 4y

      Corona Virus

      I've just received a slightly sinister e-mail regarding the corona virus. There are three places where you are invited to click on a link. I have deleted it but just warning you to be aware.

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 5y

      Happy St David's Day

      A happy St David's Day to any compatriots out there. Myfanwy (see photo) sends her felicitations.

    • Adele M @AdeleMallows Anthill Common - updated 5y

      Scam phone calls and emails

      I have been plagued with these this week. Purporting to be from B.T., Amazon, etc. Somebody remind me - what actually happens if you do click on the link, or press "1".

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