• TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - 4y

    Please Share Your Views on Council Tax Contribution To Policing

    Police and Crime Commissioner, Michael Lane, is urging residents to ensure they have their say on the level of contribution they are willing to make towards the cost of local policing.This year, the Government has given Police and Crime Commissioners the flexibility to set the policing precept of the council tax for 2021/22 from £0 up to a £15 increase (7.1%) (based on Band D properties).

    In an early survey this year, Police and Crime Commissioner asked local residents from the Hampshire Constabulary policing area if they would support an increase. To date, 58% are in support of an increase. The Chief Constable and her team has made a compelling operational case for investment in policing through an increase in the council tax. A 2.5% increase (10p per week) would enable the Chief Constable to maintain what was achieved last year. An increase above this, up to 7.10% (29p week based on a Band D property) would enable the force to build on what has been achieved, take the fight to criminals and to start to reduce crime.

    Michael Lane, the Police and Crime Commissioner, would like to seek your views on this year and ask whether investing more to help reduce crime to make communities even safer is something that you would support by completing the survey.


    Message Sent By
    Graeme Barbour (Police, Digital Communications Officer, Hampshire)

Anthill Common

Neighbourhood loop for Anthill Common, Hampshire