Using AI for practical non-technical purposes.

Open Loop 17

    • John H @JohnH6 Westcliff-On-Sea - 16d

      Google Chrome's AI is Gemini (Edited)

      Google Chrome's AI is called Gemini. It is built in to the browser, but you can access it as below:

      Chat with Gemini from the address bar:

      You can quickly get help from Gemini with creative and complex tasks, like planning a trip or learning more about a new topic with this new shortcut in Chrome.

      1. Type @ in the address bar and select Chat with Gemini.
      2. Write your prompt in the address bar.
      3. Your response will come from com.

    • John H @JohnH6 Westcliff-On-Sea - 1mo

      AI in browsers

      Each major web browser incorporates its own AI technologies or utilizes AI from other providers to enhance user experience. For example, Edge has Copilot. The icon to access Copilot is in the browser's top right-hand corner. Clicking this will give you access. You can type your request, or click the microphone icon. You will receive a spoken answer which is is indistinguishable from a human. Depending on your request, you will be amazed at the depth and detail in the reply. The Copilot key will be appearing on Win 11 keyboards.

    • Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - updated 1mo

      Well, I've tried!

      I've had a go at the imaging side, however, I think it has some way to go yet.
      it didn't produce what I hoped it would. For some reason I couldn't define tightly enough what I wanted it to produce - and I really tried, but no matter what wording I used, and I tried many times, it just didn't get what I wanted it to.

    • John H @JohnH6 Westcliff-On-Sea - updated 1mo

      AI detecting cancer

      Cancer detection rates have improved significantly at English GP surgeries that are using a new AI tool.

      'C the Signs', which was developed by doctors, analyses patients’ records – including test results, prescriptions and treatments – for hidden signs of cancer. A study, published this week, found that detection rates had increased by an average of 7.3% at surgeries where the tool is in use.

    • John H @JohnH6 Westcliff-On-Sea - updated 1mo

      Creating an image from text

      One of the ways you can easily create an image from text is to use Adobe Firefly. Click the link below, then click 'Sign in' to create an account. You can create 25 images per month. I have always wanted to see a dog wearing a bowler hat and eating a banana!

    • Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - updated 1mo

      That was interesting to hear.

      The Rt. Hon. Greg Clark, Former Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, has just finished his evidence to the Post Office Inquiry.
      His final statement was that had AI been used to look at the criminal cases brought by the Post Office, he felt that a pattern may have emerged, resulting in less prosecutions and a saving of time, money and personal damage.

    • John H @JohnH6 Westcliff-On-Sea - updated 1mo

      Using AI

      The most well known and easy way to use AI is to use ChatGPT. With it you can ask a question as if you are speaking to a real person, and if necessary get a detailed answer. It can also write a letter for you, an email, a poem etc. You can register free to use ChatGPT in the link below.

    • Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - updated 1mo

      My limited use of AI

      So far, my use of AI has been confined to the written word.

      For example, if I write a story, it is useful to run it past AI and ask for a summary of what is written. If the summary comes back with what you have intended to convey, then all is well. If there is conflict, you can re-visit your writing to edit the part(s) causing confusion.

      When posting a news story on SL, I will, occasionally, copy the text from the source article that I reference, pass it through AI and post a summary of the story. This shows a high level list of points relating to the article and allows the user to decide whether to just take those details or read the more in-depth story.

      I have used AI to edit photographs on my phone, but to date have done nothing which couldn't have been easily done using Photoshop.

Open Loop 17