• Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - updated 7mo

    My limited use of AI

    So far, my use of AI has been confined to the written word.

    For example, if I write a story, it is useful to run it past AI and ask for a summary of what is written. If the summary comes back with what you have intended to convey, then all is well. If there is conflict, you can re-visit your writing to edit the part(s) causing confusion.

    When posting a news story on SL, I will, occasionally, copy the text from the source article that I reference, pass it through AI and post a summary of the story. This shows a high level list of points relating to the article and allows the user to decide whether to just take those details or read the more in-depth story.

    I have used AI to edit photographs on my phone, but to date have done nothing which couldn't have been easily done using Photoshop.


Using AI for practical non-technical purposes.