Posts from West Hampstead
EarlsfieldThe Royal College of Arts have submitted plans for a new £108 million building, in the campus off Battersea Bridge Road. I think it's hideous. Ha...
Wimbledon ParkHaving recently moved in .. Am looking for heavy set curtains for my extension room? It has lots of glass doors & gets very cold ? Would be interes...
Woodside ParkWhat disgusting lowlifes with what sort of mentality did this? Destroying the hard work of innocent people. Some of them elderly. We often accuse p...
Date: 28.11.2017. Time: 19:30
Location: West Hill Baptist Church, Haldon Road SW18 1QD
Aisha Syed Castro brings her Stradivarius back to the church that became her home while she was studying in London to play Violin Sonatas by Franck... -
BalhamHas anyone recently used a garden fence company they would recommend ? need one for a large garden in Streatham Hill... thank you
ClaphamHello. I managed to spill nearly a full bottle of red all over my cream carpet last night and it has unfortunately left a nasty stain. I soaked the...
ClaphamClapham Old Towners: Anyone tried this place yet - on the site of the old (terrible) Pavement cafe. Quite a hard site for a restaurant I think - no...
BatterseaOlive Oil Tasting Bar (Edited)
Date: 24.11.2017. Time: 18:30
Location: Spanish Clapham House,block 3, 26-32 Voltaire Road SW4 6DH
Come and join our monthly tasting bar ! Arbequinas, Picual and Hojiblanca. Are these new terms for you ? Discover more about Spanish gastronomy wit...