Posts from Stepney Green
BatterseaI managed to smash the screen on mine and need to send it away to be fixed by the insurance company. I’m wondering if anyone here has a spare/old p...
Upper TootingI am furnishing my new home and I am tired of Ikea. I would like to have a go at restoring some old furniture )(very basic level) and upcycling but...
EnfieldTFL have rejected Uber's application for a new license on the basis that the company is not a “fit and proper” private car hire operator. I think t...
ClaphamI’m looking for a valued upholsterer to reupholster a set of 6 dining chairs. The chairs are well loved antiques but the material is wearing a litt...
WalthamstowDoes anyone know of any local car boot sales? I'd like to potter around one at the weekend. Thanks!
East BarnetAny kind people to offer a rescued cat or two a temporary home asap please?
ClaphamLooking for recommendations on who to call to replace a shattered sliding glass patio door. Thanks!