Posts from Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Date: 11.11.2020. Time: 19:00
Location: Palace Theatre
The Show Must Go On! Live at the Palace Theatre’ is happening across six performances on Nov 11-15. Tickets start from £22.50 and are available via... -
Alexandra PalaceBoots have unveiled a new coronavirus testing service which the company says can return results from swab tests in just 12 minutes. Here's everyth...
South WoodfordEveryone knows about rats and bed bugs. We don’t have to tell you too much about these pests and explain how they can cause trouble around your Lon...
EarlsfieldLooking to put in a top up smart radiator approximately 400 to 500 Watts, and infrared keeps coming up. Has anyone got any advice on this. thanks Tim
Woodside ParkI'm on the front cover of Haematology Life !!! This was for a charity walk I did last month. A very worthy cause, as most are.
Date: 01.11.2020. Time: 11:00
Location: Eccleston Yards
Come to ‘Art under the Rainbow; a colour-filled art and craft market at Eccleston Yards, close to Victoria, Sunday 1st November from 11-5pm. There... -
Isleworththan google. I am heartily sick of every time I want info and use google, I have to disallow cookies. On facebook other users are sick of it too, b...