Posts from Hampstead
Upper TootingHIT WORKOUT CLASS - £3 session (Edited)
Date: 08.12.2017. Time: 09:15
OUTDOOR FITNESS CLASS - Meeting near the cafe. Bring a friend or dog, workout mat and water. See you there. Get motivated and workout with others. ... -
EnfieldGet behind your favorite charities and show your support
EarlsfieldZumba Gold trial session (Edited)
Date: 14.12.2017. Time: 19:00
Location: St Mary Magdalene church hall, Trinity Road SW17
Zumba Gold is a fun way to exercise to great dance music. We are offering a trial Zumba Gold session as part of the new Wandsworth Common Women's I... -
Date: 03.12.2017. Time: 13:30
2017 is the 800th Anniversary of The Royal Charter for Forests signed by Henry III 1217 & 30th Anniversary of The Great Storm of 16th October 1987 ... -
BalhamAs people may know, the Boundary Commission is reviewing the boundaries of Parliamentary constituencies. You can view their proposals at www.bce201...
NorburySprout Arts Christmas Market (Edited)
Date: 09.12.2017. Time: 09:30
Location: Sprout Arts
The 7th Sprout Christmas Market is not far off now and we have an amazing array of goodies to tempt you this year! This year there will be over 30 ... -
BotleyHi Can anyone recommend a local electrician. I need a dimmer switch replaced. kind regards Susan
EdmontonMy friend told me Scooploop was in the Sunday Times today. Did anyone see it?