Posts from Fulham Palace Road
Woodside Parkcopied from Next Door and Facebook where it was posted today: - CAR PARK SCAM, TESCO’s CAR PARK, OAKLEIGH ROAD NORTH, N20 As I returned to my car...
Finsbury ParkCat MOT £5 and FREE Microchip (Edited)
Date: 02.02.2018. Time: 14:00
Location: Wood Green Animal Charity, 601 Lordship Lane, N22 5LG
This basic £5 health check by Wood Green Animal Charity on 2nd February (2pm to 5pm) will ensure your cat or kitten is in top condition and will in... -
BatterseaOlive Oil tasting session (Edited)
Date: 09.02.2018. Time: 18:30
Location: Spanish Clapham House,block 3, 26-32 Voltaire Road SW4 6DH
Olive oil tasting session and learning about the farmers who elaborate the Spanish extra virgin olive oil which have been awarded for last harvest ... -
Upper TootingWe've had a leak from our bathroom sink into the kitchen downstairs. Need someone to investigate and fix. Any recommendations?
BalhamLast night at Wandsworth's Planning Applications Committee Nightingale councillors (Richard Field and I) spoke against the proposals to build a six...
Wimbledon ParkAt the Alexandra pub (33 Wimbledon Hill Road, SW19 7NE) - free tea, coffee, sandwiches, raffle, bingo (with some great prizes), and a free quiz. Mi...
EarlsfieldFREE beginner Spanish taster class (Edited)
Date: 06.02.2018. Time: 19:30
Location: The Earl Spencer Pub
Come along to our FREE Beginners´ Spanish Taster Class on Tuesday, February 6th at 7:30 PM at the Earl Spencer Pub The session takes place in the r... -
EarlsfieldThis guy is making rounds in the neighbourhood trying to sell his story about him locked out of his house and needing money to go to his work place...
Upper TootingBELLE FONTAINE (Edited)
Date: 21.02.2018. Time: 18:00
Location: The Vaults Festival Waterloo East
I have written a short play which is being produced as part of the VAULTS Festival. Please come and see it. The link is below