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Marks GateI never get any notifications on my local site. Three months ago I posted something about mask wearing on buses but I never get any notifications m...
New ScientistWe now have a good idea what can make individuals and society happier – countries should use this information to emerge from coronavirus loc.. http...
Scooploop TimesWe're here to support all small businesses in this time of need. Read our tips on how to help your local businesses throughout this hard time... h...
Wimbledon ParkNo worries now. Simply the best bottled ale, Old Empire IPA. Thank you Sainsbury's on line.
The Guardian NewsNight-time industry ‘gobsmacked’ at lack of help in Rishi Sunak’s bailout with £6,000 grants branded ‘almost offensive’
Anything !The amount of local news comment threads etc Seems to be dying by the day I think the group introduction is harming this site. The only social par...
BBC NewsMissed today's coverage? Here's some of the most important moments from the last 24 hours.
Norburyhad been given name of 2 polish painters who worked together but lost their number - could someone kindly recommend reliable painter to do front of...
Anything !The gambling industry is recognized as one of the fastest-growing in the world. The COVID-19 lockdown has seen a surge in the popularity of online ...
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