• Lonicera @Lonicera Oxshott - updated 4y

    Your money

    World Savings Day Date in the current year: October 31, 2020

    World Savings DayWorld Savings Day is observed in many countries around the world on October 31. This observance was introduced in 1924 to promote the importance of bank savings and restore people's confidence in banks.
    World Savings Day was established during the 1st International Savings Bank Congress held in Milan, Italy. The last day of the congress was declared as World Thrift Day, that later was renamed, as the holiday gained enormous popularity.

    The idea of World Savings Day was born by the banks of Spain and the United States, that wanted to promote the higher living standards for the nation. They introduced the first celebration of alike holiday in 1921. The idea was supported by the banks in other countries, but it wasn't easy to implement everywhere, for instance in Germany, where people didn't trust banks since many had lost their savings in the monetary reform in 1923.

    Modern World Savings Day mostly focuses on the banks in developing countries, where many people are unbanked.

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