• John H @JohnH6 Mod Westcliff-On-Sea - updated 4y

    Windows 10 - Windows built-in repair and cleanup tools - Part 2

    Disk Cleanup cleans up unnecessary files and updates. To access the tool, type Disk Cleanup in the search box on the taskbar. Disk Cleanup will appear at the top of the list. Click it, and a box with C drive showing will appear. Click OK, then, when a dialogue box appears, it will show a list of files that can be deleted, do not click OK, click 'Clean up system files', which is bottom left. The box on which you clicked OK at the beginning will now reappear, click OK. This time round the results will include Windows update files. You can safely tick all the boxes to delete the files. You may not want to include the Recycle bin, in case you may have deleted a file by mistake.Link to other tools: https://www.scooploop.com/thread/windows-10-links-to-built-in-tools-posts

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