Why do some people...
Do they really feel that anyone gives a hoot what they think.
Give it up, get on with life, there is so much more to living than trying to prove that you are a better man than someone else - and failing miserably.
I am reminded of someone from a past life who tried to bully people just because he felt he could. Demanding things of people and attempting to ridicule when he failed. He ended up harming his own cause more than he ever gained.
Could I ask that we rub along with people rather than rub against them. I, like everyone else, form an opinion based on an overall picture not just what one person says. So join in and don't try to score points all the time. I will decide who I think is the better person and it will not be influenced by ridicule, other than in an adverse way.
Draw a line in the sand and let's give this group, and all the others, a feel good factor - not make it a platform for nastiness.
Thank you.