What's To Like About...Putin?
At the heart of Putin’s rule are two forces: corruption and violence.
As Russia’s new leader, Putin, who is now believed to be one of the wealthiest people on earth, consolidated power at home by reining in Russia’s powerful oligarchs. He offered them a simple deal: If they granted him absolute power and shared the spoils, he would let them steal as much as they wanted from the Russian people. The result: while the vast majority of the Russian population struggles economically, Putin and his fellow oligarchs stashed trillions of dollars in offshore tax havens. In the process, Putin crushed Russia’s brief movement toward democracy. He eliminated rivals, cracked down on freedom of speech, and strangled the free media. Political dissidents, investigative journalists, and opposition leaders started turning up dead.
Today, 26 years after he took power, Putin is the absolute ruler of Russia. Russian elections are blatantly fraudulent, with Putin’s lackeys barely hiding their ballot-stuffing. In the last sham election, Putin won 88 percent of the “vote” against carefully screened opposition candidates.
That is Putin’s Russia.
There is no freedom of speech.
Protests are violently suppressed. Tens of thousands of people are in imprisoned for speaking out against his rule.
The bravest and most prominent dissidents – people like Alexei Navalny, Boris Nemtsov and Sergei Magnitsky – are murdered outright.
And the billionaire oligarchs become even richer.
That is the leader Trump defends and admires.