What are your thoughts on people that move abroad but come back to UK soon as they need a hospital?
They were clearly well off as they found a reputable builder and had a large villa built with enough bedrooms for the family to visit.
Moving on 12 years they decided to move back to the UK as they were now elderly and didn't think the Cypriot health system is good enough to look after their needs. I think if you move abroad you have to accept some things are not as good as you are used to, but you just have to get used to it and get on with life. Don't look for any excuse to come home.
They decided to sell up and needed to get the full deeds to the property as they only had a basic deeds saying this is your house. The full deeds revealed that a 3 metre strip of land still belonged to the developer, who had now gone bankrupt. Worse was to come. A surveyor turned up with his theodolite and told them that 70 meters of their garden including the swimming pool was actually in Turkish Cyprus. The real owner of that land had died and all know relatives had died.
The couple have been told they are not allowed to sell the villa, or even rent it out.