Using Scooploop - Basics - No.1 - Accessing the site
Depending on how you use Scooploop on the website, there are different ways of accessing the site, e.g., if your link always goes directly to the same loop, the name of that loop will appear after scooploop.c o m. However, if you go to scooploop.c o m's Home Page (scooploop.c o m), then what you see will be decided by the choices you make at the top of the page below the 'Create a post' text box.
First, do not have the 'Show selected content box' ticked, or you will see a post 2 years old below the top post, and may think it is current. In line with that on the right, you will see 'Filter: Default', clicking the drop-down arrow will enable you to choose what posts you see. See the attached image for the choices.