Supernatural or Super Fictional ?
The human brain is Schizophrenic, being capable of astonishing and miraculous abilities in creating man-made marvels whilst on the other hand believing passionately in what can only be described as Fairy Stories. It is incredible to see such split intelligence taking place in abundance all around us regardless of extreme educational and scientific progression.
I guess that it is due to a genetic inheritance situation, going back to when Homo Sapiens split off from the Apes in the evolutionary family tree and developed a separate intelligence.
In those prehistoric times, humans believed that all of life`s events were due to Gods and Goblins. So entered the idols and other effigies of earthly worship to provide a focal point for this homage.
It was and still is today, thought that humans are somehow special creatures and could never really die. So the concept of eternally surviving Spirits and Souls was introduced, destined to be transported to some divine paradise of infinite pleasure where all ills are banned.
Consequently, any tendency of humans to sense that Ghosts or Spirits were about, although being due to our natural inbred inclination to get the spooks at times was attributed to restless Spirits or some evil presence. So was born the fictional mind-conceived idea of Ghosts, Supernatural and the Paranormal. Subjects which a vast army of gullible humans still solidly believe today and even devote their entire working lives to with total commitment.
Everything that happens in a terrestrial or extra-terrestrial sense has a perfectly logical scientific explanation. Many of these events are currently not understood, in which case they are simply "unexplained" and must NOT put down to some Alien or Supernatural activity as was the practise of our pre-historic ancestors.
I have given my views and now await your views. Hopefully we will each respect the others.
Supernatural or Super Fictional ? What is your opinion ?