• Statement re Slough Borough Council and corona virus

    The following message is a joint statement from the leader of the council Cllr James Swindlehurst and Chief Executive Josie Wragg.

    We know many of us will be understandably worried about the current coronavirus pandemic that is dominating our daily lives right now.
    We can assure you that we continue to provide all our essential services as normal – although some council events have been postponed, or cancelled, so we can focus on meeting the challenge of coronavirus.
    New national guidance means everyone should be minimising their social contact, reducing unnecessary travel and staying at home if you, or anyone in your household, has any symptoms. Please follow the daily guidance coming from the government and take extra care if you are over 70, if you are pregnant or have underlying health conditions: www.nhs.uk/coronavirus
    It is now clear that the coronavirus pandemic is set to challenge us all in ways we have never experienced before. With all the uncertainty one thing is for sure, we will need to work together and help each other wherever and whenever we can.
    As a council, we are taking every step to prepare for the expected increase in confirmed cases of the virus and we will ensure that the vital services that you rely on from the council will continue during this difficult time.
    Our services, including social care, waste and children’s services, have well developed plans that will ensure our most vulnerable residents get the support they need in the coming weeks and months.
    Our primary aim is to ensure that everyone who needs it is supported – especially the most vulnerable. Our top priority is to ensure that no one is left behind.
    Some of you may need extra support at this time, and it is important that everyone is aware of what additional support you can apply for and know where to find it.

    Our website lists all the support available for residents who may be experiencing hardship:
    • If you know people who are struggling the council can offer Local Welfare Assistance.
    • Discretionary Housing Payments may be available to top-up housing-related benefit for a limited time to cover housing costs such as rent.
    • If residents are experiencing exceptional hardship they may be able to claim a discretionary reduction in Council Tax.
    • You have the right to pay your council tax over 12 months instead of 10 months, you must advise the council in advance.
    • We have the Council tax support scheme in place for residents on low income

    We have also been notified by the Government that money will be provided to councils to support vulnerable residents. We will provide further information on this when we know more.
    Whatever happens Slough’s response will be defined by kindness and tried and tested plans. With this in mind, our commitment is to keep you updated at all times.

    For more information about what the council is doing regarding the corona virus can be found at http://www.slough.gov.uk/health-and-social-care/coronavirus.aspx.


Neighbourhood loop for Burnham, Buckinghamshire