• Dawn @Dawns Stoke Poges - updated 2mo

    Rhod Gilbert laughter and tears

    My friend took me to see the comedian whilst we were in York and I admit to shedding tears, both laughter and sadness ones!
    His tour ,Rhod Gilbert and the giant grapefruit is an honest, gruelling but genuinely funny account of his cancer battle with stage 4 head and neck cancer, caused by the HPV virus. Showing photos along the way, his passion for life shone through. He involved audience members with their cancer stories and was honestly an inspiration.
    One of the most sad parts for me was watching him constantly need water, as the treatment had killed his saliva glands, plus watching him adjust his new hearing aids as he went along as his hearing was damaged.
    Loved ,loved, loved the show and I went from not knowing who he was to a fan overnight!

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