Restart vs. Shutdown
It is not really a technical issue, but of interest to all PC users of Windows, hence my repeating the post on this Group. -
I am posting this essentially as a general non-tech notification of interest rather than a technical issue. Many users think that Restart and Shutdown are the same thing - they are not.
A desktop PC can be left on Sleep for long periods perfectly satisfactorily. A Restart should be done every 4 -5+ days to clear out accumulated clag. Shutdown is best for laptops to conserve battery life if absent for long periods, otherwise Sleep.
In Windows 10, Shutdown and Restart are very different processes.
Shutdown -
Takes a quick image snapshot of your preferences and settings. On the next boot it will load them exactly as they were. Any problems that you were having, will still be there when you switch the PC back on.
Restart -
Does a whole lot more than Shutdown. Restart will clear the memory, refresh the Kernel and reset the cache. It will complete pending updates. It will fix 1001 problems, whereas Shutdown simply copies them to a piece of memory, so that your problems load quickly back the next time you switch on.
Restart is your friend.