• Ryan T @RyanT Mod St Albans - 4mo

    Poper Blocker

    This superb extension is well worth having on your browser. I find it excellent in deleting those irritating overlays etc.

    Poper Blocker is a browser extension for Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox that blocks all types of popups and ads across any and all websites. It is the most powerful pop-up blocker available, and it will automatically and effectively block all ad pop-ups, new tab pop-ups, and overlays that cover the content of the page, resulting in a cleaner and smoother browsing experience. Poper Blocker works in the background to stop ad popups and notifies you when a popup has been blocked.

    Get it from your browser addons or from the Chrome web store.
    When installed, right click the toolbar icon to see options and right click the web page item, then cursor the Poper Blocker icon on the popup list to select action.

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