• Lonicera @Lonicera Oxshott - updated 4y


    The NHS is forced to pay billions of pounds to private companies. [1] All because of contracts - called “PFIs” - that trap our NHS in debt for decades. [2] It’s money that could be used to train nurses or treat cancer patients - wasted.

    Now experts have revealed the full cost to our NHS for the first time - and the waste is shocking. [3] But there’s a simple solution: the government could allow the NHS to buy their way out of these bad contracts. It would save the NHS billions of pounds. [4]

    It’s common sense. But unless there’s public pressure to back it up, the government could ignore it. That’s why Catherine, who worked for the NHS, started a petition calling on the government to act. If hundreds of thousands of us pile in, it could force ministers to do the right thing.

    Please sign
    petition here:


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