• Sheila A @Ange Bromley Common - updated 2mo

    No help from emergency services

    Last Saturday my sister rang and said she was on the floor and couldn't get up.

    We went round to her but could lift her. I rang the fire brigade (which is literally about 3 mins away) and they said they couldn't help in case she was injured and they made it worse. They did say if I couldn't get help within 2 hours I should ring them back.

    Rang the ambulance but they wouldn't send one - she didn't meet the criteria and was told to ring 111.

    Rang them and had to go through it all again and then the girl said my sister would have to answer the assessment so I had to put the phone on speaker and relay the questions because she's very deaf. After all that they said a Dr would ring - I didn't need a Dr, I needed help right then.

    Eventually we somehow managed to get her on a chair and then on to the walker and back to her chair. We waited and waited but no call and she wanted to go to bed.

    The next day she wasn't in the flat, an ambulance had turned up in the night and taken her in and I found her in A&E late morning. She'd been on a chair all night.

    No wonder people die after a fall, they are just left there.

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