• Lockdown Choir - Singing for Britain

    The council’s own music maker Mike the Hyype will be in a new BBC programme The Choir – Singing for Britain with Gareth Malone.

    Mike Livingston is one of the council’s waste operatives based at Chalvey HWRC who composed the council’s Recycling Rap, which was released last year to try and get residents to recycle more effectively.

    Mike is now among several musicians who have been working during lockdown to create a song alongside Gareth Malone OBE, who rose to fame with the Military Wives’ Choir.

    The programme is set to air on Tuesday, 23 June, on BBC2 with the trailer already popping up between programmes.

    Mike has had to do most of the filming himself due to social distancing rules, and has only had the help of producers and directors talking in his ear. Final filming was taking place up until last Thursday (11 June).

    A member of the production team revealed it was the quickest turnaround for a programme they had ever worked on outside of live broadcasting.

    Filming mainly took place at Chalvey HWRC with social distancing rules and health and safety regulations adhered to, as well as in Mike’s home.

    Mike said: “I really enjoyed the process and am looking forward to people enjoying it next week.

    “It was quite surreal from signing up to be involved to having Gareth Malone in my living room!

    “Not only was it challenging to being involved in the programme but I was working with equipment and processes that didn’t exist before the pandemic.
    “Working with all the equipment and having sound, lighting, directors all talking in your ear while being filmed for a performance was hard work but just amazing.

    “It has been an honour to be involved in the programme as a member of Slough Borough Council and hope people who watch it will feel it is a positive, uplifting and spiritual programme and song.

    “Taking the positives out of hard situations is what I am all about.”

    Mike said he now hopes the participants in the programme and Gareth Malone can actually meet up after lockdown after working together for weeks.

    Josie Wragg, chief executive, said: “Well done Mike for taking part in the programme and showing what wonderful, dedicated and talented staff members we have.”


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