• Hope College students enjoy visit from the Mayor

    The Mayor of Slough, Councillor Avtar Kaur Cheema, presented certificates last Thursday at a thank you lunch for all the peer mentors at Hope College. The event, on Thursday last week, was for all peer mentors who have been students at the college, and to show appreciation for their many achievements individually and collectively too. All mentors were presented with certificates on the day.

    The Mayor, speaking on the day, said: “We can all learn from each other and be validated as human beings. This is the powerful concept and philosophy that has been implemented across our mental health services, and at the heart of the development are the peer mentors, who have achieved so much, as each person progresses through Hope Recovery College, and then completes the Peer Mentoring programme.

    “Each peer mentor has overcome so many hurdles and problems to reach this stage of their personal development. In the process each person has been supported and been seen for the unique individuals they are and with so much to offer others coming through mental health services. It is with pleasure and pride that I attend the event today, and give personal congratulations to all of the peer mentors.

    “My final words are about recognising all of the staff from Slough mental health services, who have the courage of their own convictions, and contribute to this amazing and inclusive way of working with people. It is with pride that I say well done to all and Proud to be Slough!”

    Hope College is a recovery college, delivering educational courses and activities to people with mental health conditions. The purpose of the college is to provide hope, opportunity and control for every student, enabling and empowering them to reach their full potential.

    The courses are co-created and facilitated by people with first-hand experience of mental illness. The weekly timetable of activities is designed to help develop structure and routine and to provide social support as well as life skills. Students have the opportunity to become peer mentors, using their experiences to help and support others.

    Three of the students awarded certificates by the Mayor were:
    • Zena Dickson for giving time and energy to support others at Samba Drumming, Wellbeing for Women and at Co-Production events.
    • Tony Mallah for giving time and energy to support others at Singing as a Choir, Embrace, the Keeping Safe workshop, Men Talk Too, at Co-Production events and by offering 1:1 support.
    • Kamran Khan for giving time and energy to support others at the Introduction to Volunteering workshop, Singing as a Choir and at Co-Production events.

    Hope College is currently open to all clients and carers that use the Slough Community Mental Health Team and their carers. Students are encouraged to self-enrol on to the courses/ workshops and activities they feel will benefit their mental health and wellbeing.


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