• TerryS @TerryS Purbrook - updated 3y

    Going Peat-Free

    Now we are into spring, some of you may be thinking about gardening. If you buy compost, don’t forget to check it is peat-free.

    Our peatlands store more carbon than the forests of the UK, France and Germany combined, they provide clean drinking water and are habitats for some of our rarest species. It takes ten years to create one centimetre of peat which is being consumed 200 times faster than it forms. As a result, we have lost 94% of our lowland bogs in the UK and there are just 6,000 hectares left in good condition. Yet, every month gardeners in the UK use enough peat to fill 69 Olympic swimming pools.

    This video shows just how many brands of compost contain peat. You may be buying peat without being aware of it.

    Take the peat-free pledge. https://seedball.co.uk/conservation/peat-free-pledge/

    Call on the Government to ban the use of peat in horticulture and all growing media by 2023.

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