• Tomek @Tomas Rotherhithe - updated 4y


    I barely have any time for myself. However I somehow managed to watch this movie lately with my wife. Not sure who recommended it - if it was someone on this groups I apologise for not remembering.

    It's a pretty good movie I must admit, though at first I wouldn't say it was my cup of tea.
    Good plot, very good acting, great pictures - it's got everything.

    And Chris Evans - yes, he can play even without tights and a shield - if you know what I mean. And he's pretty good at it too. It should suffice to say my wife sobbed half the movie, probably because of the plot, but my guess it was more due to Evans being too sexy for her as a handyman caring for his little niece.

    BTW, I watched on YouTube (pay-for option), it was couple of quid if anyone interested.


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