• SloughBC @SloughBC Slough - updated 5y

    Cycle safely this winter

    Cycling this winter may create extra challenges but the change in weather should not discourage getting out on a bike.

    Around half of all Slough’s cyclists ride all year round, no matter what the weather conditions, and many of the borough’s riders also use a bike as their main form of transport.

    Cycling safely starts with identifying potential issues and preparing for them before sitting in the saddle.

    The council’s sustainable transport team Better by, has compiled a host of top tips and advice to help cyclists keep pedalling throughout the winter months.

    The first is to make sure the bike is well maintained all year round with the chain oiled and exposed parts like the brakes and gears, being kept clean. Bikes may have to be cleaned more often during the winter months due to roads being gritted so frequent checks are advisable.

    It may also be a good idea to change tyres to wider ones with a lower pressure as it offers a better grip to the road surface.

    Good quality lights for the front and rear of bikes for all ages of cyclists, is a must – and a legal requirement - during the darker evenings and weather conditions like rain and fog.

    Also, knowing how to ride in more slippery conditions is important and cyclists must leave a greater stopping distance at traffic lights and pedestrian crossings as well as generally slowing down.

    What cyclists wear is also key to staying safe during riding in winter. Shoes need to have a good grip to pedal and clothes need to be warm and bright to be seen by other road users. Waterproof clothing or outer garments are also a must as is a helmet.

    Other precautions can be taken to make sure cycling is safe during the winter months like letting someone know the journey route, or use a live tracking app so loved ones know when a cyclist has reached their destination safely.

    Eating and staying hydrated is also important as the body will work harder in colder temperatures and having access to water during a trip is also advisable. And never drink alcohol and ride.

    To keep bikes secure use good quality locks, that should cost around 10-15 per cent of the value of the bike, and make sure it is locked up in well lit public locations.

    Anton Deacon, sustainable transport officer with Better by, said: “Many cyclists choose to brave the winter and cycle all year round to maintain their fitness, beat the traffic and save money.

    “Cycling in the winter can require a little bit more preparation and thought to make sure riders stay as safe as possible while using their bikes.

    “Bikes are like cars in that they need to be maintained to perform to the best of its ability and riders also need to take heed of some safety advice to make sure they get to their destination safely.”

    For more top tips go to www.slough.gov.uk/betterby.


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