Couple of latest updates
as you have probably noticed, we've updated the website with couple of changes.
To list a few:
- as mentioned in other post, there is no more local section navigation link at the top. Instead, all the posts are merged in one, main feed, but you can choose to see Local Only posts from the dropdown menu. This change was mostly based on feedback we got from different people and how having 2 feed lists was confusing for them, it might still be improved
- there is also a button called "Show suggested content" that stays toggled till you log out. When on, it will show you all the suggested loop posts, if off, only posts from your loops will be shown
- you can now easier contact the loop moderators using a widget on right hand side on a loop page (that was a suggestion from a user)
- we've added a support for Tiktok links in your posts - those should now preview the video in a nicer way
- there are some ongoing design changes - nothing drastic though. It's all to give the website a more contemporary looks
Any feedback is welcome.
Have a good weekend