• SloughBC @SloughBC Slough - updated 5y

    Council calls for Slough WWII photos

    The council is on the hunt for photos of Slough and its residents during WWII to form part of celebrations of the 75th anniversary of VE Day in May.

    On the weekend of 9 and 10 May 2020, Slough High Street and Town Square will be host to a range of activities; all to celebrate VE Day 75 years on.

    A 1940s tank and jeeps, along with fun fair games of the time, bunting, children’s activities, a ‘ration book’ trail and more are all part of the celebrations but the council wants a banner filled with photos of Slough during the war to take pride of place.

    So now residents are being asked to search photo albums or boxes in the loft to find those photos of themselves, their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends or just the town as a whole from WWII to help create the banner.

    Councillor Balvinder S Bains, leader member for inclusive growth and skills, said: “We are proud to be taking part in national celebrations on the 75th anniversary of VE Day, but we are more proud of the contribution Slough, and its residents of the time, made to the war effort which led to that victory.

    “Even if you are a resident now but weren’t then and you or your family contributed to the Allied effort in WWII please send us your photos so we can honour those who made that victory possible.”

    Anyone with photos should email them to communications@slough.gov.uk or if you have photographs as a print that need to be made digital to take part, call events on 01753 875194 to arrange assistance.


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