• beatrice k @Beatricek Southgate - 8mo

    Cats cats and more cats!!!

    Thank you very much to those of you who contributed to last month’s donations totalling £45 kindly forwarded to me by Suzy P and a large box of Sheba sachets delivered to my house. The amount of cats in need of help is beyond ridiculous. Never one day without at least one demand of help to an unwanted, abandoned, abused or found cat. Right now i was hoping to find a fosterer for a very friendly young male tabby and white who must leave the vet’s having been neutered and virus tested, etc… but no luck and the poor cat will be back on the streets tomorrow.
    That is one thing i am not good at to put cats back where found after vet’s visits as there are too many of them and nowhere for most. People prefer to adopt kittens rather than cats and rarely keep them as family members for the rest of their lives.
    So i am forever moaning as rescuing cats is a never ending impossible challenge.
    It takes all the little energy Long Covid leaves me, all my money and time.
    I am aware of a 16 year old cat left in very poor condition outside the owner’s front door who does not want to bring him in and is not concerned about his needs and suffering.
    One example of cause of anger building inside me!
    Please if you can foster a cat or two do make contact asap.

Anything !

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