• Alan F @AlanF Havering - updated 7y

    Blocking people from threads

    In the days before social media many people used the letters column in local newspapers to get their point across. Once the letter had been sent and hopefully published we rightfully had no rights as to who could see our correspondence, or who could reply because we had passed ownership of our words to the newspaper.

    It seems that recently certain Scooploop users have been denied the right to reply by being blocked from certain threads by other forum users. IMO this cannot be right because not only is it denying the right of reply but also stops others that may be interested from seeing an alternative viewpoint. I believe that if anyone makes threatening, racist or sexist post they should be reported to the Scooploop owners who would hopefully ban them, and only they should be the arbiters. If ordinary members can decide who can see their posts, or reply on threads they have started then freedom of thought and speech is denied and there would be little point in Scooploop.


Neighbourhood loop for Havering, Greater London