• Tomek @Tomas Rotherhithe - updated 3y

    Best episode from any sitcom

    I like binge-watching same old sitcoms over and over again. I particularly love Friends, The Office, IT Crowds, HIMYM, Flight of the Conchords (even been to a gig at O2 once) and they all have brilliant episodes at times. The winner for me though is 4.17 episode of New Girl: Spider Hunt.

    Just watched it yesterday again and it left me in tears as per usual. The chat between Nick and Jess is a pure masterpiece of comedy. If you don't know "New Girl" but have access to it, you can easily watch that one episode straight-on. The only background you need to have is that Jess and Nick used to go out and Cici is Jess's best friend - that should suffice.

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