• Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - updated 3mo

    BBC challenges ex-Post Office lawyer in Australia

    A BBC team questioned Jane MacLeod, former Post Office general counsel, about her absence at a crucial inquiry into the Post Office Horizon IT scandal.

    MacLeod declined to comment.

    Jo Hamilton, a wrongly convicted former sub-postmaster, expressed disappointment, suggesting MacLeod's presence would demonstrate her commitment to helping the inquiry.

    Despite being deemed an important witness, MacLeod chose not to provide oral evidence, citing her written statement as sufficient.

    Sir Wyn Williams, the inquiry chair, emphasized MacLeod's significance but acknowledged limitations in compelling her attendance due to her residing abroad.

    MacLeod expressed regret for the adverse outcomes faced by sub-postmasters during her tenure and acknowledged the implications of her decisions.

    Former Post Office boss Paula Vennells named MacLeod as a trusted senior executive, raising questions about the Post Office's handling of the court case against sub-postmasters.


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