• Sharon @Sharon4 Woodford - updated 7y

    Anyone interested in meeting for coffee, Breakfast, Lunch

    Good Evening All....
    Open to people from all areas....
    My names Sharon, im a mum to four amazing children who have children of there own i have 1 grandson an 3 granddaughters .... My youngest daughter and her partner plus there 2 children 3 an 20 months live with me, an just recently my eldest daughter with her baby has just returned home. I suffer with chronic back pain so dont work, i enjoy doing crafts and I'm hoping from this may be to start earning a bit of pocket money. I was also thinking of maybe getting into something i can do from home for example, selling the candles scentsy or maybe selling home made soaps. Does anyone have any ideas on this or reccomendations. After losing my oldest son nearly four years ago, i have got myself into a rut, apart from goin out with my daughter who is also my carer and spending time at my mums. I stay at home and spend timebplayingbwith my beautiful grandchildren. i have been asked to go out i say yes but when it gets nearer its easier to say no. I want to go to pilates an weight watchers, but cant seem to get
    myself out the door to go. So here is me given myself that kick up the backside, to get back out there into the real world. As i would like to meet new people and make some friends along the way. To start off with i was thinking of areas woodford, southwoodford, barkingside to meet up in. If anyone is interested i could always message my number to people. Also i have just started a course in crowdfunding confidential, as I'm really interested in starting up fundrasing this year for people with mental health problems (my son who died had mental health problems ) and the above course teaches you how to get the best out of the site and ways of rasing money. Thankyou to anyone who takes time to read this. Regards Sharon


Neighbourhood loop for Woodford, Greater London