• Derek R @DerekR Iver Heath - updated 4y

    Amended Advice Issued After Cars Are Stolen In Burglaries

    Amended Advice Issued After Cars Are Stolen In Burglaries
    Thames Valley Police is issuing advice to owners of high powered vehicles following a series of burglaries.
    Over the last three months, over 30 burglaries have been committed across the south east of the Thames Valley area. These are being investigated as linked.
    Houses with high powered vehicles parked outside are being targeted in this series of crimes. Offenders are breaking into these houses, searching downstairs for the car keys and then using them to steal the vehicle parked outside.
    The burglaries have taken place predominantly across Wycombe, Chiltern & South Buckinghamshire, Windsor & Maidenhead and Slough.
    Senior investigating officer Detective Inspector Gill Fox, based at High Wycombe police station, said: “This burglary series is understandably concerning for the local community and my team are conducting a thorough investigation to identify those responsible.
    “While falling victim to a burglary is fortunately rare, I would like to encourage the owners of high powered vehicles to consider the following steps to help reduce their risk of becoming a victim of crime.
    “If you have a garage, park your vehicle inside when it’s not in use so that it is not visible from the road. If you park your car on a driveway, consider blocking any high powered vehicles that are more desirable to thieves with other vehicles or equipment.
    “Wheel clamps and steering wheel locks can be purchased, putting a barrier in place for thieves who intend to steal the car. Finally, don't store your keys near the front door or somewhere that they can be easily seen, keep them somewhere that you wouldn’t expect to find them and if you can, consider placing them upstairs.”
    Message Sent By
    Ian Stacey (Police, Neighbourhood Policing Administrator, Chiltern & South Bucks)

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