• DIANA W @DianaW Dalston - updated 3y

    Adding basic office-type software to new Windows 10 computer

    This new Dell laptop came without the basic software that I need to create and work with Word or Excel documents but I'm confused about how best to obtain what I need.

    The shop mistakenly told me that I'd have a 30-day free trial of Microsoft Office - but that trial turned out to be for McAfee anti-virus, which I can't wait to get rid of.
    The salesman said that I'd need either to buy that entire suite of software, including Powerpoint (which I don't need) either as a one-off (which can't be transferred to any other device) or by taking out what seems to be a hefty and indefinite monthly subscription. I don't want a subscription at all and buying the full suite as a one-off price seemed very expensive, when PCWorld quoted for selling that, so I put off the purchase until I had time to think about it.

    What Windows 10 apparently wants me to do is to use a supposedly free web version of Word, Excel and Powerpoint but, when I follow the link to set up a Microsoft Office account on that basis, the next page doesn't make it clear what I'd be getting into. It looks more as if it would be a subscription system - certainly nothing as simple as a free Web version of the software that I need.

    What's the best and simplest way to obtain Word and Excel for a new computer nowadays, please?

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